Spring TBR + New Bookcase

Monday, April 20, 2020
With the lockdown in the UK being extended for at least another three weeks, I find it brings a mix of anxiety (thanks to far less work than I would normally have at this time of the year) and the excitement around having extra time to devote to something new, whether it is DIY jobs around the house, sorting out freelance admin or trying to meet some of the reading goals I've had in mind for a while.

The anxiety and bizarre nature of our current global situation has allowed me to find comfort in reading again as for the past few months and at the end of 2019, I found myself in a reading slump most of the time but now I'm excited to read again. I don't know if it's because I have more time so there is less pressure to read or if the glorious weather is helping my mood but whatever the reason, I'm loving reading again and it has been helping my anxiety immensely!
*Shamus Bookcase from Wayfair (£56.99)
Within today's post I wanted to share some of the books that are on my current TBR (to be read) list as well as my new bookcase from Wayfair which I adore! I was very kindly sent this minimal ladder-style bookcase by Hashtag Home on Wayfair and I couldn't be happier with it, in terms of how easy it was to put together, the minimal design, how well it fits into an awkward narrow space in my bedroom and how it has allowed me to organise my books, especially my TBR books, into a better order.

I've wanted a ladder-style bookcase like this for at least a year but I haven't found one that has the narrow size I'd need as well as the colour, number of shelves and price point I was looking for but I found everything I wanted in this bookcase. It was very quick and easy to put together and I think it is an ideal storage or display solution for those narrow awkward places in the home around other furniture. I'm currently using it for books but it would be great for plants in the kitchen, pamper products in the bathroom or decor in the living room.
If you've been following my Instagram (@ofbeautyand) then you'll have seen my bookcases and how I organise my books already as they were the main background of my blog and social media photos up until recently but I have wanted to switch up my book organisation a little. I personally organise the books on my main bookcases in our home office by colour but I wanted to separate the books I'm most interested in reading from my main collection.

I've added all of the physical books that I'd love to prioritise and read over the spring and summer months to my new bookcase and it has definitely added to my excitement to get to these books, including a range of famous fantasy, non-fiction and classics. My physical TBR isn't too overwhelming but adding in my ebooks and arcs from publishers and it gets a little out of hand so it's great to have a bookcase dedicated to books I'm excited about so they don't get forgotten about on my main bookcases.

Here are just a few of the books I'd love to read in my spring months:

  • The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas (classic)
  • 100 Nasty Women of History by Hannah Jewell (non-fiction)
  • The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss (fantasy)
  • Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (classic) 
  • The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (sci-fi)
  • Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch (fantasy)

I have many more books on my current TBR and it is only going to expand especially as there are quite a few new releases coming out in the next few months that I'm interested in. If you are a book blogger then definitely check out Netgalley as you may be able to receive free books before they are published to review.

Have you been reading more during lockdown? Are you following my on GoodReads? What do you think of my new bookcase? 



  1. I have So many books to read - I switch between my kindle and a 'real' book

  2. That is such a pretty book case! Thanks for sharing your recommendations as well.

  3. Your new bookcase looks fab x


  4. I love the simple design of the bookcase x

  5. I love the design of your bookshelf! I am definitely ploughing through the books in lockdown

    Jasmine xx

  6. I love that bookcase, it's so pretty xx

    Tiffany x www.foodandotherloves.co.uk

  7. My to be read pile is huge that it's kinda become overwhelming haha xx

  8. I really need to get my self a bookcase [since finally beginning to read] x

  9. I love the look of your bookcase, I really need to sort out some better storage for mine x


  10. Love the bookcase. I could really do with one.



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