I was sent the new *Wilkinson Sword HydroSilk Bikini 2 in 1 Razor (RRP £14.99, currently half price at Boots) to test out as well as the *Hawaiian Tropic Protective Dry Oil Spray (£9.99, 180ml). The razor has five curved blades designed specifically for curves, a disguised, waterproof and compact bikini trimmer on the opposite end and a water activated moisturising serum.
I haven't tried many razors from Wilkinson Sword and with any new razor, I aways end up cutting myself with it especially around my knees and ankles (so attractive) but even from the first use, I didn't get any cuts! It's so quick and easy to use, although it does feel bulkier than my usual razors as it is a 2 in 1 product. The moisturising serum in the strips is fantastic, I didn't even need to use my shaving soap as it was so smoothing and moisturising. Overall, I'm really happy with it and I'd definitely recommend it! I've also been challenged by Wilkinson Sword to show off my best 'lelfie', I wish I had been on a gorgeous summer cruise for this 'lelfie' but sadly no, Manchester will have to do!
I also haven't tried many products from Hawaiian Tropic before but I'm always intrigued. I'm not a fan of dry oils as they usually leave my skin feeling and looking greasy but this oil absorbs so quickly and it doesn't leave my skin greasy at all which is amazing! It also smells incredible!
Even though I hate shaving, I have found some useful tips:
- Exfoliate before hand, it will make for a much closer shave - I always use sugar scrubs as they can be the most abrasive, in my opinion
- Use a shaving soap, I didn't have to with this razor but with others I have to and I love the John Masters shaving soap (it lasts forever)
- Shaving in the bath (sorry if any of this grosses you out!) causes less irritation and dryness
- I always body brush the days after shaving to help prevent ingrown hairs, although they always happen *cries*
- Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise!
I'm definitely on Voldemort levels of paleness!
Have you tried this razor? Do you have any shaving tips?