*Get Your Skin Ready For Summer

Thursday, April 23, 2020
Image from Pinterest
*This is a sponsored post 
As summer approaches, there are loads of companies out there pushing exercise regimes, diet plans and products all aimed at getting you ‘beach body ready’. Whilst you’re so busy focusing on your physique, it’s easy to forget about one of the most important parts of your body: your skin. Your skin is a prominent feature no matter what you’re wearing, but especially in the summer when you’re wearing fewer clothes and keen to show off your dewy, sun kissed complexion. With this in mind, here are some of the ways you can prepare your skin for the summer, so that you look as fresh and ready for the sun as you feel.

Learn About Your Skin Type 
The first step to changing any part of your skincare regime is to learn about your skin type, if you don’t know it already. If you’re using the wrong type of product for your skin, then it simply won’t work, or could even exacerbate any problems you may have. As well as the type of skin you have, consider any allergies you have and any past experiences you’ve had with certain products or ingredients. This will save you a lot of time and effort finding the skincare solutions that will work for you.

Exfoliate Properly For Smooth Skin 
Before you start slathering on expensive skincare products and face masks to get your skin ready for the summer, it’s important that you exfoliate. When done properly, exfoliation can get rid of all of the grime and dead skin cells on your body and leave the surface primed and ready for your skincare regime. Don’t just exfoliate your face: your entire body needs to be scrubbed clean before you start using products and techniques to improve the look and feel of your skin.

Clear Out Your Makeup Bag 
While you’re out there spending time and money on a flawless skincare regime, the makeup you put on every day could be sabotaging your efforts. If your makeup is old and your tools are unclean, then you’ll be covering your face in germs and dirt everyday. Check the expiry dates on your makeup, and if in doubt, throw it out. It’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the makeup you use, as poor quality, dirty or expired products could be having a detrimental long-term effect on not only the appearance of your skin, but also its health. Your skin is the biggest organ on your body, so it’s important that you take good care of it, even if that means sacrificing your favourite, out-of-date eyeshadow palette.

Rejuvenate Your Face 
A harsh winter and months of hard living can leave your face looking worse for wear. To get it back in peak condition in time for the summer, work with the aesthetic treatment specialists at Clinetix. From Botox to non-surgical facelifts and beyond, the team has the experience to help you find the treatment that will suit your face and give you the visage you desire.

The Food You Eat Can Affect Your Skin 
Your skincare regime shouldn’t just revolve around the products you put on your skin: you also need to think about the food you put into your body. Some foods will help your skin to rejuvenate and look great in time for the summer, so try to incorporate them into your diet to get the best skin you can in time for the warmer weather. Following these tips will help you to achieve the glistening, tanned summer skin you’ve always dreamed of. Once summer arrives, remember to protect your skin with sun cream. Healthy skin looks and feels beautiful, so it’s important that you use these tips to keep your skin looking great in the run-up to summer and beyond.

Do you have any summer skincare tips, advice or product recommendations? 


  1. I really need to sort through my makeup bag, it's been ages! x

    Tiffany x www.foodandotherloves.co.uk

  2. Exfoliating is super important all year round!

  3. Great tips - I’m paying more attention to my skin lately x

  4. All this time has meant I've been able to do a much more thorough skincare routine so my skin is very happy about it xx

  5. I'm loving spending more time on my skin at the moment - one of the few lockdown benefits!

    Jasmine xx

  6. I've upped my skincare routine during lockdown - if nothing else i'll be emerging with glowing skin!
    Em x

  7. Forever telling mum to clean her makeup bag, I recently got her some bits from Beauty Bay x

  8. I only have a small skincare set-up but it's always changing since so is my skin! One minute it's dry, the next it's combination! Also have to look up anti-aging products too since I'm not getting any younger! xD

  9. It's so important to get to know your skin/ what it likes and what it doesn't. I don't use a makeup bag but I make sure to clean out my storage regularly x


  10. Some really great tips here for better skin.


  11. So many useful tips here, thanks for sharing x

  12. My skin was looking amazing until I went back into the hospital and now I have spots thanks to the masks lol


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