*Easy Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Changes

Sunday, September 15, 2019
Image from Pinterest
You may know, if you follow me on social media (especially instagram - @ofbeautyand), that I'm vegan and it's something I'm very passionate about as I feel as though it's not only a more compassionate and cruelty free lifestyle but it is also one of the biggest ways to reduce your impact on the planet.

I think most people have now switched to various eco-friendly alternatives such as using plant milk instead of cows milk, using re-useable containers instead of plastic bottles and recycling or reducing waste but I personally feel like that's only the tip of the problem and the minimum we could all do.

However, I know that not everyone can switch to greener alternatives instantly and if you can't be fully plastic free, you can't walk to work or you can't fully become vegetarian or vegan, at least everyone is trying to make more intelligent, compassionate and environmentally conscious choices.

Vegan and Vegetarian Alternatives
Naturally I had to mention vegan and vegetarian alternatives within this post especially as according to a study conducted by the University of Oxford 'veganism is the single biggest way to reduce our impact on the planet'. Also the World Health Organisation has classified red meat and processed meat as known carcinogens (meaning they can contribute to developing cancer, particularly stomach and bowel cancer) so reducing meat consumption is not only better for your health but it also reduces your impact on the plant.

"A global switch to diets that rely less on meat and more on fruit and vegetables could save up to 8 million lives by 2050, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by two thirds, and lead to healthcare-related savings. It could also avoid climate-related damages of $1.5 trillion (US)" - University of Oxford

Re-useable Containers + Straws
One of the first changes I made, apart from switching to a vegetarian diet at the age of 11/12, was to stop buying disposable plastic bottles of flavoured water. Now I have a few re-usable water bottles which I switch every few days. If you are like me and you struggle to drink enough water then buy a 1litre bottle so you only need to drink two bottles worth each day to consume enough.

Energy Saving Lighting 
The first change I think most people made years ago was to change from 'traditional' light bulbs to energy saving bulbs. My parents changed the main lightbulbs bulbs to energy saving options when I was a teenager (which sadly was quite a long time ago now). It's such an easy switch to make and even switching a few of the main bulbs can help. Also, switching off lights when you're not using them and opting for LED lights, for example, kitchen under cabinet lighting, can help too as LED lights can be up to 80% more efficient compared to fluorescent lights. We have LED lights under all of our kitchen wall cabinets and they are nicer and less harsh to use than the bright main ceiling lights.

Recycling, Composting + Reduce Waste
Last but not least is another easy change and again something that hopefully most of us have been doing for years - recycling. In Greater Manchester, we have bins for paper, plastic and 'green waste' which makes the process very easy but there are also numerous recycling centres that you can go to as well. Reducing waste by using kitchen leftovers, repairing items rather than buying new and making weekly meal plans are all simple ways to reduce your waste and help the environment. Also, if you can buy plastic free or bring your own containers to the grocery store that can help too - that's something I need to start doing more often.

Have you made any changes? Do you have any tips? 



  1. We have LED bulbs in our house and it makes the world of difference!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  2. I definitely need to look into plastic alternatives x


  3. These are some great tips! I've actually been using reusable straws

    Candice || natalyaammour.com

  4. I am so ready to go dairy free again!

  5. I've been on a vegan diet for just over 4 years now but I'm currently trying to reduce my waste and single use plastic as much as possible x


  6. These are all great tips! I'm trying to be more conscious of what I eat and I'm definitely reducing the amount of meat I buy xx

    Tiffany x www.foodandotherloves.co.uk

  7. I've changed so much over the past year into reusable items!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  8. I’ve changed a lot of what I do and use within my means but there are some changes I can’t make for health reasons x

  9. We've changed so much at home this year which has made such a difference to us xx

  10. I'm really trying to make small changes to use less plastic x

  11. I always use energy-saving bulbs in my flat because I prefer the white lighting they give instead of the yellow! I've been a veggie for around 13 years now and I don't miss meat at all! I'm also hoping to get myself a metal straw from Amazon so fingers crossed!

  12. I work at a local bakery and we have recently introduced Vegan sausage rolls (they're even nicer than the original meat ones!) x

  13. I recently invested in a good set of metal straws - I need to remember to bring them out with me more,though!

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  14. I don't use cling film anymore and have done away with cotton wool pads plus our milk comes in a glass bottle so it's small steps
    Em x

  15. I've bought energy saving bulbs, metal straws, oat milk and ditched the face wipes but there's still tons more I could do! x

  16. I think everyone is taking steps to be more eco friendly which is FAB! x


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