*Importance Of Capturing Memories

Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Image from Pinterest
Mother's Day for those in the UK has just passed and it's made me think a little more about memories and how I keep and display memories. I love to give personalised gifts especially with photographs of special people or important memories (which are always very well received) and it's nice to have items to remind you of lovely memories, whether it's from a holiday, important occasion or just an everyday photograph.

I have also been thinking about ancestry much more recently as I seem to have taken to upon myself to become the family record keeper, historian and researcher as I find it incredibly fascinating. I wish that my ancestors wrote down memories or had the ability to photograph their lives as we do now as visual or written memories as that information is so valuable. 

I'm planning on sorting out all of the ancestry records, family trees and photographs I have into a more succinct set of records and I also want to make more memories with family and friends which do require an investment of sorts which SunLife suggests releasing equity for as lasting and important memories are often tied to emotion such as family holidays, trying out new opportunities and taking on new challenges or hobbies, most of which might require a financial investment. 

Holidays & Day Trips 
Some of my favourite memories have been from school, funny memories with friends and amazing family holidays! My favourite recent holiday memories have to be from our family holiday to Norway which is a country that I instantly fell in love with and I definitely want to visit again. Another holiday I loved recently was visiting the Lake District with two of my best friends which was my first holiday with friends and I hope to do that again this year at some point.

As I was thinking about the most important memories to me a few came to mind that I've already mentioned such as important events (which for me include being a bridesmaid last year and graduating from university) and lovely family holidays but some of my favourites are also just time I've spent laughing, talking and reminiscing with my friends over pizza while watching their toddlers make funny faces, grow up and start to speak. I sadly don't have many photographs to capture these memories as we're usually too busy talking!

Everyday Moments 
While important events are naturally going to be ones that you'll want to remember, I think it's equally as important to remember the little things. Trying a new hobby with a friend, baking with your children, going to the park with your sibling, going on a day trip with your family or having a girls night, all of which can be so important and valuable memories. Thankfully in the age of Instagram, it's easy to capture everyday moments that you can look back on.

Do you think that we should invest in memories? Do you want to spend more time making new memories this year?

*collaborative post


  1. I love memories, and you should always invest in them. I always spend lots of time making more, you need too - especially with kids! :)

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  2. I am always trying to make memories, it is so important!

    Danielle xx

  3. I love the idea of this and making memories is so important for me x


  4. I think having access to iPhones is a great way to catch a memory because it’s so accessible but we do need to do more than just capture quick photos x


  5. I always forget to take photos or save mementos but I'm getting better at it!

  6. After everything that's happened recently I'm making the most of making memories

  7. I love making memories and taking photos of both planned events and random events! xx

  8. I'm all about making memories at the moment, especially with everything that has been going on in my personal life!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  9. I'm really trying to remember to take my nice camera out and about with me as I always forget to take pictures but I love looking back on times I've had with friends and family or amazing places I've visited :)

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  10. Definitely want to try and make more memories this year!


  11. I dont capture things enough, I usually just spend time in the moment, but then sometimes look back and wish I had a photo or two!

  12. Great post. You can never have too many memories


  13. This post was so helpful to read x

  14. As I've got older, 'stuff' isn't as important to me anymore. I'd much rather spend time with family and friends than have the latest 'thing'!
    Em x

  15. I absolutely love taking photos to capture memories! I'm constantly looking through my phone at old ones! xx

    Maiya | www.maiyabellexo.co.uk

  16. Love this post hun. I think we can all get caught up in work and daily life but making memories is so important! I want to spend more time this year making plans to go on more day trips and capturing all the moments on camera.
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  17. My photos are so perfectly ordered and captured, you'd be impressed haha xx

  18. I love how technology helps us to catch moments and cherish them forever x

  19. I never take photos and the older I get the more I'm regretting that. I always worry that I'm not going to have anything to help me remember the memories as I get older x


  20. I'm always taking photos, love having snapshots of things I've done or places I've been to look back on x

    Tiffany x www.foodandotherloves.co.uk

  21. My favourite memories are from holidays I think! Definitely important to cherish the good times x

  22. I really need to get into the habit of taking more photos to capture the memories x

  23. I love taking photos throughout the year,then near Xmas,i make a scrap book,of all the years memories x


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