August Reading Wrap-up 2017

Sunday, September 03, 2017
There were so many books that I wanted to read this month and because in August I spend a total of around 14 hours of trains and I was on holiday for around 10 days, I managed to most of the books that I wanted to but not all so they'll be in my September reading wrap-up. In the month of August I managed to read 9 books which I'm not that happy with as I did have a reading slump for the second half of the month after a string of amazing reading months. 

The Song Rising by Samantha Shannon - ★★★★☆, 4/5 (350 pages - available now)
I adored The Bone Season and I also adored The Mime Order which are the first two books in this series so I had to read the third book which came out a few months ago. The first edition was signed but there were a limited number of copies and I didn't get one initially but I looked on World Of Books and found a signed first edition hardback for...£2.80! Book bargain of the year?

The Song Rising follows on from the end of the previous book and as it is the third book in the series, I can't really say anything about it as I wouldn't want to spoil it for anyone but I'll say that this series is one of my favourite of all time! If you haven't read the first book then check it out as you'll love it! It has paranormal, mystery and dystopian elements as well as some romance, LGBT characters, action and the writing is fantastic. I felt as though the third book was still filled with action, intrigue and revolution as the first two were but it is definitely my least favourite of the three; however I did still enjoy it and would recommend this series. I cannot wait for the other books to be released as I want to know what happens and if a certain couple of people will be able to be together. 

*Nemesis by Brendan Reichs - ★★★☆☆, 3/5 (443 pages - available now)
As well as School of Velocity and The Plague Charmer, I will have a full review of this book on my blog for you to check out if you want to so I won't go into it here but I'll just say that I really liked this book as an entertaining, quick summer read. Review coming very soon!

*The Disappearance Of Adele Bedeau by Graeme Macrae Burnet - ★★★☆☆, 3/5 (252 pages - available now)
Another book from Netgalley and this one follows the unassuming and routine life of Manfred within  a small village in France near the Swiss border. He frequents the same restaurant, he has a mundane job and a lonely, uneventful life but the disappearance of Adele Bedeau brings up secrets from his past. 

I like the cover, I loved the writing style as I loved his previous book (His Bloody Project) and it was a fairly quick read. It is such a bleak, melancholy book with an intriguing couple of mysteries and I would definitely recommend it as an autumnal or winter read.
Bodies of Water by V.H. Leslie - ★★★☆☆, 3/5 (114 pages - available now)
I've wanted to read this short book for a while but the physical copy is so expensive for what it is so I bought the e-book and I really liked it but sadly not as much as I thought I would. It's categorised as gothic, contemporary horror and literary fiction which sounded perfect for me. 

We follow two women separated in time but who reside in the same building. There's Kirsten who has just moved into Wakewater House which has been renovated into modern apartments and then there's Evelyn who is also residing in Wakewater House but during the Victorian era where the house is a treatment centre for 'womens issues'. The main treatment, which is historically accurate as I read a couple of medical history books over the past two months, are water treatments which mainly just involve drinking water, bathing constantly, being submerged in cold water and more mildly tortuous 'treatments'. 

I liked the writing, the book was very quick and easy to read and I loved the setting as well as the very creepy and atmospheric sections and the LGBT characters. I also liked the descriptions of water, how the water has claimed fallen women for centuries and the folktales regarding women and water, and water spirits. The only reason I didn't rate it higher was due to the length, it was so short and I felt it could have been a full length novel. I'd definitely recommend it as a quick halloween or autumn read. 

*The Silent Companions by Laura Purcell - ★★★☆☆, 3/5
I am a massive fan of gothic themed novels and this one set in a grand but dilapidated and grief filled house in a ramshackled village within the countryside so it already ticks all my boxes. We follow the newly pregnant and windowed Elsie as she goes to her late husbands family home with his cousin, Sarah. She has a chequered past based within the industrial city of London so she isn't used to the countryside, the poor villagers and the eerie house that has many disturbing secrets involving odd deaths and accidents, a witch and an unusual child...

The writing was easy to follow, I adored the very eerie and atmospheric setting and feel of the book (it reminded me of the film Crimson Peak) and I did enjoy the story! I also liked the asylum setting, the creepiness, the unusual addition of the 'companions' and the historical elements. However, some of it just fell a little flat for me and it took me so much longer to read than I thought it would. I would still definitely recommend it, especially around halloween but it just wasn't as amazing as I expected it to be. 

*School Of Velocity by Eric Beck Rubin - ★★★☆☆, 3/5
I was very kindly sent this book by the incredibly lovely people over at Pushkin Press and it sounded very interesting as well as something very different to anything else I've read. I have already published a full review so you can read that post for my thoughts!
*The Plague Charmer by Karen Maitland - ★★★★☆, 4/5 (576 pages - available now)
I received this book via Book Bridgr and I already posted a full review on my blog which you can read if you want to read my thoughts but I will just say that I really loved this book and I now want to read more from Karen Maitland!

*Mister Memory by Marcus Sedgwick - ★★★☆☆, 3/5 (327 pages - available now)
I have wanted to read this book since it was released but I never got round to it so I was very excited when I received it via Book Bridgr. I really liked this book although it took so much longer to get through than I thought. I will have a full review of this book on my blog very soon so stay tuned. 

*Karate Chop by Dorthe Nors - ★★★☆☆, 3/5 (92 pages, just released)
Surprise book mail are some of the nicest packages to receive and this one intrigued me instantly as the cover is just so gorgeous and all of the reviews rave about how beautiful, fantastic and darkly funny the stories are so I couldn't wait to give it a go. It's a very short collection of fifteen stories, all of which are very raw, unusual or stark which is quite refreshing.

I think my favourite short stories from this collection include: Flight, She Frequented Cemeteries and The Wadden Sea, you can tell from the titles of the short stories that they aren't your typical or generic short stories. Before receiving this beautiful book, I hadn't heard of Dorthe Nors but I'll definitely be looking out for her work in the future as it was just so unusual, raw and different to what I'm usually reading or choosing. 

Have you read any of these books? What are you currently reading? 


  1. None of these sound like my cup of tea! xx


  2. You`ve had a great reading month! I`ve been in a reading slump and did not read much. I want to start The Bone Season, but I`ll probably wait until all the books are out.

    Georgiana / Beauty Nerd

  3. I am currently reading the Kite Runner really enjoying it. Xx

  4. I adore short stories so Karate Chop is right up my alley! x

  5. The Plague Charmer sounds really good, I love historical books! You read loads last month! x

    What Josie Did Next

  6. You always make me want to read more with these posts!!! I need to get through my pile!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  7. I'll definitely add The Song Rising to my reading list. I didn't read a single book in August!

  8. I managed to read 4 books in August which I am quite proud of and started a fifth which takes me into September and almost halfway to my goal of 40 books this year x

  9. Ooh so many recommendations. I'll bare these in mind! I've mentioned I need to start reading more x

  10. I love how much you read, it's so inspiring! Makes me want to read more!

  11. I definitely need to find more time to read x

  12. Giving me some book inspiration! xx

  13. I can't believe how much you read ! And some great suggestions here x


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