Spring Garden Decor + Ideas

Sunday, April 23, 2017
Image from Fishpools
I have always said that autumn is my favourite season and up until last week, it was...then spring happened. After the gloriousness of autumn and the dull drudgery of winter, it's easy to forget how incredibly lovely, uplifting and content spring is. The lighter evenings mean I'm not rushing for light while taking photos, I love all of the birds singing and I've been spending a little more time outside, only a little as it is still chilly in Manchester - blue skies and sunshine don't mean warm weather, not in Manchester. 

One of the main things about spring that I adore are all of the flowers in bloom in the garden, on the streets and on instagram (wisteria envy is a thing right now). I do love spending time in the garden, I love watching the progress of flowers and plants grow and as we have a section of woods behind our house, there are always birds singing and the squirrels running around. 

However, as I quickly discovered as a child, sitting on the grass or garden furniture means that you will encounter so many bugs, including spiders which then result in me running away and vowing never to sit down outside ever again. Although I do love spending time in the garden, especially since the mint green summer house was built last year and it's got me looking at garden furniture and spring decor. 

Fishpools garden furniture is gorgeous, especially this Trinidad Hanging Chair which I could definitely see myself sitting in while reading; there are so many furniture options, including some luxe dining sets, although to be honest they wouldn't be used as much in Manchester because we very rarely see the sun! I'm also thinking about garden lights, there are so many options for garden lights but as I'm a blogger, it's all about the fairylights so I think a string or two of fairylights around the summer house (which you see from time to time on my Instagram) would look so nice in the spring evenings. 
Image from Julia Palosini
As well as the gorgeous hanging chair from Fishpools, I'd love to add some wall planters filled with succulents! I love succulents, I have three in a planter in my office but that's definitely not enough (there's no such thing as too many succulents). Succulents are so incredibly easy to look after even for someone like me who has a tendency to kill plants and I think they would look amazing in a planter - maybe a mint green wooden planter to match the summer house!

What do you think of the Fishpools garden furniture? Do you have any plant/gardening plans this spring? Are you a succulent/cacti fan? 

*This is a sponsored post
*Images from Fishpools and Pinterest 


  1. Those planters look so cool! You could make such a cool wall of flowers with them x

  2. I'm a huge gardening fan. It's something as physically disabled I can still plant and tend to flowers. I have 2 huge new run planters which we have planted up and am waiting to sprout upwards. I also have a stand of planters which ive oh pansies in as they look so pretty. Really trying to establish a lovely garden x

  3. Some great idea! My garden is so small atm so can't wait til I have more space to play around with! x

  4. I love seeing how others style their gardens, it gives me so much inspiration! There are so many different and lovely ways to make it your own space nowadays, e.g. those planters are gorgeous.

    Alice | alicemaysnell

  5. The wall planters look lovely. I can't wait to invest in some garden decor once my new lawn goes down. I'm hoping it'll all be ready for July so we can have a big family BBQ for Penny's birthday.

  6. It looks so pretty! It's so lovely making a pretty garden!

  7. This looks so good! I'm desperate for one of these in my garden!


  8. Ooh the wall planters look so good x

  9. This are such lovely ideas! I wish I had a garden so bad, I would always be out there pottering about!

    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin' // Instagram

  10. I love the sound of the chair as well as the hanging succulents x

  11. I would love to curl up on this chair with a book! xx


  12. I love the look of that chair!


  13. I love the wooden planters - shame I can't keep anything alive ha! x

  14. I absolutely love the garden chair pictured, next on my garden wishlist us a BBQ.

    Kristy | www.thevioletblonde.com

  15. Those hexagon planters are so nice!

    Cass | CassandraMyee

  16. I really like that chair, I could sit in my garden in the summer in that and relax ha ha, it's so nice xxx

  17. Succulents are so cute! I love the word for some reason too haha. I'd love to have furniture like that in my garden one day xx

    Cally | xcallyloves.blogspot.co.uk

  18. That chair is amazing! If I had my own garden it would be a definite must.

    My parents have just had a new patio put down in the garden and I can't wait to sit out there and blog in the summer!

    Sophie x | Essential Twenty


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