Copper Homeware from Melody Maison

Monday, April 24, 2017
Copper Homeware from Melody Maison
I am a little bit obsessed with copper and rose gold, you might be able to tell that fro my blog design and I am trying to incorporate more rose gold and copper items into my decor. I have a few copper items such as my star light which you might have been in the background of previous posts or my gorgeous Crosley Cruiser rose gold record player which I absolutely adore!

So when I was able to choose an item from the lovely people at Melody Maison, I had to choose something that had copper hue to it, obviously. I chose the *Large Round Copper Wall Clock (£29) which is a stunning battery powdered wall clock.

I've wanted a clock like this for a while but they always tend to be so expensive, even in places like TKMaxx but this one is so reasonably priced, especially considering how gorgeous it is and also how large! I adore the design, to me it looks like a gigantic victorian pocket watch, albeit a pocket watch you can hand on the wall.

I love the face design, it is so classic and beautiful as is the copper shade of the clock that is a perfect balance of copper and warm tones as some can be too orange and look obviously fake but this one is gorgeous. I think it matches in my office really well, especially with the creamy glittery walls, the rose gold and copper items I already have and the grey and white furniture I already have.

As the clock is plastic, lightweight and it doesn't need to be attached the mains power, it can be placed or hun anywhere which is fantastic - I've been having it on my desk as an enormous kind of pocket watch which makes me think of Alice in Wonderland! I absolutely adore the clock and when the new kitchen is finished I think it will look amazing in there too. Overall rating: ★★★★★, 5/5.

Here are some of the other gorgeous homeware available on Melody Maison:
Copper Homeware from Melody Maison
What do you think of this gorgeous copper clock? Have you bought anything from Melody Maison? 


  1. Everything looks beautiful! I adore that clock

  2. That clock is so pretty :))))

  3. I love the clock, it's gorgeous x

  4. Now I want to buy all the pretty homewares - never heard of this shop before but I really like the look of their stuff.

  5. The clock is beautiful! Such a statement piece x

  6. These are just so pretty!! I've been seeing so many great homeware items

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

  7. I'd never heard of Melody Maison before. I love these piece, I'll definitely check out their site.

  8. The clock is utterly beautiful x

  9. Your photos are a dream, I am loving copper at the moment. I've never heard of Melody Maison but will have to check it out!

    chloe | mojichlo

  10. That's a really gorgeous clock

    Kristy |

  11. Such a gorgeous clock! And such a pretty photo!

    Georgia x

  12. Wow, they do the cutest bits! That clock is absolutely stunning and your photo complimented it perfectly. xx

    Kathryn | Chapters of Kat

  13. I love anything copper - I am like a magpie!

    Cass | CassandraMyee

  14. That clock is amazing and I think I prefer the copper theme to marble x

  15. I'm also obsessed with anything rose gold or copper too at the moment - It's just so pretty! The clock is stunning and your photo is amazing! X

    Victoria | VictoriaaHelenn

  16. I love the copper clock! I haven't heard of this range before - I'm not that adventurous with my home furnishing shopping at the mo! x


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