Merumaya Makeup Bag #BeautyHasNoAge

Friday, July 08, 2016
I've been lucky enough to work with the brand Merumaya already on my blog, I reviewed their cleansing balm which I loved so when they got in touch about their latest campaign, I couldn't say no especially as it's such an important campaign.

The #BeautyHasNoAge campaign has been created to celebrate the uniqueness and beauty of everyone, no what your age! Their aim is that no-one should feel self conscious or insecure about their appearance whether that insecurity is because of media pressure, social 'standards' of beauty or self imposed ideas of the ideal appearance.

To go along with the campaign, they have created a chic and simple collectable makeup bag (£20) which is a fantastic free gift with purchase when you spend £50 on the Merumaya website - there's limited availability so go, go, go! Also £5 from the sale of each bag goes to the charity Look Good, Feel Better!

I think positive appearance and body image messages are always important and should be shared as much as possible so I love this campaign and I'd love for you to share positive body image messages using the hashtag on social media. You can watch Meruamaya's founder talk about the campaign. here.

Have you tried anything from Merumaya? What do you think of their #BeautyHasNoAge campaign? 


  1. ive never tried anything but this campaign is so great! loving the concept
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  2. Love the premise of the campaign, it's quite apt as I recently saw a bit of a tiff on twitter about a similar topic - yh it's nice to be young, toned and wrinkle free but but beauty should be regardless of age. Love the sound of the cleansing balm too, I'm looking for a good one so will have to check it out

    www.Barely There | British Beauty & Lifestyle blog

  3. I've never tried anything from this brand but I definitely agree with the hashtag, It's a pretty important message

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

  4. I've never heard of this brand before but I love the premise of the campaign. We should all spread positive messages about our bodies. There is too much hate in the world as it is.

  5. This is a really nice campaign with such an important message. Lovely makeup bag too!

    The Makeup Directory

  6. I haven't tried this brand before but the campaign sounds so good! It's a lovely idea!
    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin' // Instagram

  7. I have tried their cleansing balm and really liked it :) The campaign sounds great, more brands should do things like that I think xx

    Zoe ♥ MammafulZo

  8. This sounds great! I love their products, they do the best eye make up remover I've ever tried xx

    Tamz |

  9. I haven't tried anything but the campaign is brilliant. Great post xxx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin


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