Month in Photos: April 2015 & Thank You

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
I haven't published a 'month in photos' post for SO long as I just haven't had a space in my blogging schedule, other posts just take precedence over month in photos posts. This month has consisted of baking (lots of baking), moon photos, missing amazing space/weather/moon events, exciting brand collaborations, meeting up with friends and family, spring cleaning and really bad hayfever and an eczema flare up! Also the best news, I reached over 2,000 followers on bloglovin yesterday! 

Over the past couple of months we have had a solar eclipse, the northern lights and the lyrid meteor shower - I missed ALL of them! I would have loved to see any of them and I'm so jealous of all the amazing photos that appeared on social media from Manchester/Northern England showing these amazing space/weather events *cries forever*. Although I have managed to get a few gorgeous photos of the moon and venus, if you follow me on Instagram (heathernixon4) you may have seen them already.

I have been lucky enough to work with some amazing brands this month such as House of Fraser (here), Jurlique (here), Flamingo Gifts (here) and Manuka Yoga (here) as well as others. I have a few more exciting brand collaborations soon and I'm particularly excited about a Newlook feature which may be live in May. 

My diet and healthy eating was kind of left behind this month as I've made three lemon meringue pies and I ate almost half each time...oops. They aren't super unhealthy but they are definitely not health food by any stretch of the imagination! I've also been loving fries, Quorn nuggets, Ferrero Rocher chocolates and lattes so much more this month. Healthy eating starts tomorrow...maybe. 

For me the upcoming month is going to be a little busier and exciting as I have a couple of friends birthday parties, girly catch ups and shopping trips planned. Sadly one of my best friends is moving away in May so we are having a leaving party. Also in May I will have been a vegetarian for...11 YEARS, I cannot believe it has gone by so quickly.

Just a little note: The Will of Iron triathlon week is starting on the 2nd May to 8th May but you can take part in the event all year round. It costs £25 to take part in the triathlon. Money raised all year round goes to Willow a charity that provides special days for seriously ill people aged 16 - 40. I'm not taking part this year as basicallyI have no stamina and I probably wouldn't finish - although you can take part as part of a team!

Last but not least I wanted to say thank you to everyone that reads, comments and follows my little blog. Blogging is a hobby that I love so much! When I started blogging I had no idea how much it would mean to me almost three years down the line. My blog will be 3 years old in May *cries like a proud parent* and I'm going to have a big international beauty giveaway to celebrate so stay tuned. 

What were your highlights of April? What are your looking forward to in May?


  1. Love the photo grid, I always mean to do this!

    Young London

  2. Looks like you had a great month!

  3. 3 years is such an achievement - congratulations :) maybe one day I'll get there! xx

    Magpie Jasmine | Zoeva Brush Set Giveaway

  4. What a lovely and hearty post :)

  5. Wow congrats for being a blogger so long, I admire your dedication. I've been doing this for just a little over a year now :)

  6. sounds like a great month! =) great to follow along

  7. Lovely photos! Congrats on 3 years! That is amazing! Just followed your blog and Instagram! :)

  8. Ahh 3 years?! Amazing achievement lovely!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  9. Congrats on 2000, you truly deserve it. Your blog is one I always read, no matter what kind of post it is :)

    Hayley @ Tea Party Beauty

  10. I like those glasses - are they new? I've been looking at similar styles as I need a new pair. I don't like the ones I have, so if I get some nice ones i'll wear them more often and give my poor eyes a break from lenses!

    Amy at Amy & More


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I’m no longer accepting any sponsored posts or freelance work at all and for the time being, I’m not accepting products to review so please don’t contact me about any of those, thank you! x