*Saving Money + Finance Tips

Friday, August 14, 2020

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Collaborative post (AD - paid)

With all of the chaos going happening around the world, particularly coronavirus, money is something most people are struggling with or being cautious about, myself included. I'm a self employed freelance writer which is a job I adore particularly as I'm able to work from home and my working hours are very flexible but it also comes with a lot of uncertainty (as any freelance or self employed occupation does). Today's post is short and sweet including some of my top money saving and basic finance tips. If you have any top tips or advice, leave them in the comments below!

Bullet Journal Your Finances

My first tip is so write down (or add to a spreadsheet if you are super organised) all of your spending, including food shopping, bills, insurance and treats. I am one of those people who likes to buy little 'treats' such as a book, delicious vegan candy or a bath bomb often but over the month those tiny purchases add up and I end up spending much more than I thought I had. At the time those little treats don't seem like much, especially compared to larger purchases and bills but they can get a little out of control. 

Making lists, spreadsheets or notes of my purchases really helps me to review my spending each month and what I need to cut down on (currently I need to cut down on unnecessary food orders and e-books but it is my birthday tomorrow so that means I can buy myself lots of treats, right?). If you aren't a spreadsheet or list person then a finance diary or bullet journal might be a great option to try. 

Shop For The Best Deals

Whether I'm looking for a coupon code for skincare, the best phone deals, discounted e-books (my ultimate downfall) or comparing prices of insurance, I always search online for the best deal. You might have to shop around online and make a few phone calls to find a good deal but saving money is usually always worth it. My mum is the best person I know when it comes to not only saving money on insurance and household bills but saving money and budgeting in general - I don't know what we'd do without her! When insurance or bills or due, she'll ring up the provider and try to get a better deal or price which is something I admire and it always works out. 

Insurance & Life Cover

Lastly, being prepared. As a perpetually anxious person, being prepared is something that comes naturally to me anyway. Whether I'm packaging for a trip, buying birthday presents months in advance, getting my handbag fully stocked with 'essentials' (read 'essentials' as everything but the kitchen sink) or prepping for a new work project, I'm always as prepared as I can be. I think that being prepared is also essential when it comes to not only saving money but also having the best insurance for you, your family, your home and possessions. 

LifeSearch is the UK's leading life insurance provider that has been helping customers since 1998. The advice is free and they take the hassle out of finding the best insurance for you with their three step process. Critical illness cover is something no one wants to talk about or contemplate but having insurance in place can provide a potentially much needed lump sum or income. Being prepared also includes being fully informed so having recommended free advice and quotes from the experts at LifeSearch is a great first step when looking into life insurance or critical illness cover. 

Have you considered obtaining life insurance? Do you have any finance tips or advice?


  1. I quite enjoy searching to find the best deals!

  2. God bless your Mom.I wish you a happy birthday.

  3. Finance is such an important subject, I feel like I could talk about it all day!


  4. These are some great tips. I've been writing down everything I've been spending this month and its such a shock where the majority of my money goes.

  5. Finance is so important to think about xx

  6. I always try to look for the best deals available but I've never thought to bullet journal my finances before x


  7. I've never thought about life insurance but maybe I should x

  8. I really need to shop for the latest deals and stop being lazy and not bothering! John x

  9. These are all great tips, I'm always trying to find the best deals xx

    Tiffany x www.foodandotherloves.co.uk

  10. Great tips. Shopping the best deals and looking out discount codes are great things to do.


  11. I'm the worst for not tracking spending but we need to pull a house deposit out our butts so I definitely need to! xx

  12. I always use add-ons like Honey to try and get discounts and usually make a decent saving on what I was already going to buy!

    Jasmine xx


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