*How To Stay Motivated With Your Healthy Lifestyle

Monday, April 15, 2019
Image from Popsugar
Sometimes it can be extremely difficult to stay motivated to live that healthy lifestyle that you want. People fall into a rut and become unmotivated and lazy. It’s really easy to lose your focus but it’s no reason to beat yourself up, you just need to give yourself a kick start back into it and you’ll feel the benefits. Have a look at some of the tips for staying motivated with your healthy lifestyle. Look At Your Routine Sometimes changing a routine can be as important as having one in the first place. It’s nice to think that we can live without a routine and just go with the flow but reality shows that people thrive with a bit a structure in their lives. So if going to the gym every morning isn’t doing anything for your motivation have a look at changing it. In the long run, exercising at a different time each can help to keep your body guessing and alert. It will prevent you from getting bored and unmotivated. A vital part of living a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle is variety.

Try To Rediscover Your Motivation 
Have a think about what motivated you in the first place. Was it for a special occasion, was it because you were getting into an unhealthy rut and it was affecting your overall health? Relooking at what made you change your habits in the first place could be the kick that you need to get you back on track. Let's face it, exercise can be boring but it doesn't have to be, you could try introducing music to your work out, it’s proven to increase your motivation, Origym has put together a list of Rap music to workout to if you need any inspiration. Have a go at really thinking about how it would feel to achieve your goal and you may just find that your motivation comes back.

Make It Fun 
So we’ve established that exercising can be boring so let's change that. It doesn’t matter what you are doing you deserve to be having fun and enjoying it. After the fun is health benefit in itself, making you feel good also gives you good mental wellbeing. If you start to get bored with your exercise routine try to make a few changes. Don't go for that same jog every day, why not try a new exercise class or going to a hike on the weekend. It will help to boost your commitment and keep your brain active at the same time.

Try Some New Foods 
One of the many reasons people fail with eating healthily is because they don’t introduce enough variety into their diet and end up eating the same meals over and over. This would be enough to make anyone bored with their food. You could try looking at some new cookbooks and cook a few different meals. You're bound to come across ones you don’t enjoy as well as some new favourites to add to your repertoire, so have some fun with it and try some experiments. You could even get the kids involved and find some family feast too. On the plus side having the whole family on board when trying to eat healthy keeps you focused and feeling like you’re eating ‘normal’ with them. It can sometimes be difficult to stay on track when you’re eating separate meals to the family and this is supposed to a lifestyle, not a diet.

Rope In Your Family And Friends 
Turning your healthy lifestyle into a group activity could be just what you’re looking for to keep you motivated. Power in numbers! You’re able to bounce ideas off of each other, share recipes and go to that daunting late night swim with a swimming partner. Not only that you will all be able to support each other and pass along encouraging words to keep the focus and determination. You need to remember that you’re not alone in this and there are always people who are willing to help and get involved. Try arranging fun activities to do with the kids like a walk around a nature park in the school holidays.

Be Flexible 
One key thing to remember when living a healthy lifestyle is that you cannot plan everything. Yes, a routine is good but sometimes it’s ok for it to broken. Keep yourself flexible and give things a little change every now and then. If someone invites on a walk at lunchtime rather than jumping in the car to the shop why not give it a go? Also, you should never beat yourself up if you slip up, everyone has time where they feel like they have overeaten or indulged in chocolate a little too much. It doesn’t have to mean that you give up on your journey to a healthy life. At the end of the day it’s called lifestyle for a reason and in that lifestyle, you’re bound to come across cake at some point. All you need to do is pick yourself up and try to get back into it, no need for any guilty feelings.

Make Your Exercise Part Of Your Daily Life 
A healthy lifestyle can be really easy, it’s just about making small changes. Something small that you can change is by bringing exercise into your daily routine. This doesn’t mean scheduling the gym every day this means making changes such as walking the shop instead of going by car or try cycling to work. Doing things like this will increase your stamina and physical strength without you really noticing. Not only that by increasing your exercise you will naturally improve your mental health and be able to perform better at work and increase your energy levels. There is often a cycle to work schemes may be available through your employer or through your local council where you can get discounts on buying the equipment you need to do it full time.

Do you have any tips about staying motivated with your healthy lifestyle to help? 

*Collaborative post


  1. I'm rubbish at sticking to healthy eating plans etc so I need to inject some fun into things I think!x

  2. Love your motivating tips. I'm more than sure that they're going to help so many people. I love staying motivated and positive quotes really help me personally. 🌸💜

    With love, Alisha Valerie x | www.alishavalerie.com

  3. Staying motivated is one of my biggest struggles

    Candice x


  4. I love this! I always think starting is the hardest part but once I actually get going I'm fine! Small changes to daily life with regards to exercise is one of the best tips I think!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  5. Definitely needed to read this! I'm finding it so hard to get back into it atm xx

  6. Poor motivation is definitely something I suffer from so these are some great tips.

  7. Great tips! It can be so hard to stay on track and getting started is the hardest part! xx


  8. I'm definitely guilty of sticking to the same recipes which means I eat out a lot - not good! I definitely want to add some quick, healthy meals to my repertoire

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  9. I really suck at staying motivated, so I need to start doing this more!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  10. I agree trying new foods is a must! x

  11. I was doing so well since about September last year, but for the past month I haven't been very disciplined!

  12. I can;t wait to get back in the gym when I'm better

  13. I need to find a healthy lifestyle first


  14. I'm quite lucky that I really enjoy most aspects of a healthy lifestyle like healthy foods and exercise. My fitness goals are long term so motivation there is quite easy and running a food blog helps with the food aspect and trying new things x


  15. I've lost count of how many times I've started the week with - I'm not eating any rubbish this week...and by Wednesday I've given up already!
    Em x

  16. Great tips, I always end up finding it so easy to give up! x

    Tiffany x www.foodandotherloves.co.uk

  17. I really need to try more when it comes to food. I tend to stick to what I know, but I need to be more adventurous xx

    Gemma • GemmaEtc.com ❤️

  18. I needed to read this today! I'm trying so hard to stay healthy atm and it's HARD x

  19. These are such good tips hun! I'm trying to be healthier but it definitely takes a lot of motivation! xx

    Maiya | www/maiyabellexo.co.uk

  20. Some great points here. It can be so tough to maintain.


  21. I'm pretty healthy but my problem is that I snack way too much and I'm stuck for ideas when it comes to making meals! I do want to cook more but I'm not the best! xD

    Daisy xoxo | TheDeeWhoLived

  22. Learning to be flexible was so important for me. Instead of feeling guilty if I missed a gym session, I hyped myself up for a walk instead and it worked.

  23. Variety is the spice of life - chatting with friends about their choices helps me stay motivated too


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