*How To Wear Your Summer Wardrobe In Winter

Thursday, December 20, 2018
Image from Simply Beach
Winter is fast approaching, although some days it feels as though it's here already! Manchester isn't known for it's sunny climate but even so, I've been wearing a few pieces of my summery wardrobe recently. I'm not one of those people who packs away seasonal clothing so I wear various items throughout the year which I think it great when it comes to getting as much use out of an item as possible.

Pyjamas, Loungewear & Layering
The first way I've been wearing some of the basics from my summer wardrobe is as loungewear, pyjamas and for layering during the autumn and winter months. Basic t-shirt, vests and lighter layers are great as loungewear or pyjama options. Additionally layering vests under fluffy jumpers or thicker coats can make for an easy, no fuss and quick outfit. I've been wearing my basic black high neck vests with my thick and very warm woollen coat over the past couple of months for an easy outfit that I don't need to think about.
I have a section of my wardrobe for random, summery t-shirts and my activewear so everything is in one place and I don't have to search which gives me an excuse to not exercise. Summery shorts, loose t-shirts, crop tops and cropped leggings make ideal and comfortable activewear! I need to get back into my exercise routine as over the past three or so months, I've just stopped and swapped exercising or eating pizza...oops.

Winter Sun Wardrobe 
Lastly, if you're lucky enough to be jetting off to soak up some winter sun then look no further than Simply Beach for anything you could possibly need; from beach clothing, accessories, swimwear and beach activewear - you can see a few example above. There's so much choice but Fantasie swimwear  probably has my favourites designs!

There are so many places on my travel wish list that I've love to visit over the cold, dreary winter months which include California (not just to visit Sephora...), Brisbane (although I'm terrified of bugs, so perhaps not), Barbados and many others but sadly it isn't to be so I'll have to stick to the chilly Manchester weather instead.

Do you try to use summery pieces during the colder month? Have you shopped at Simply Beach? If you could escape the winter weather, where would you travel to?

*This is a sponsored post
*Images from Simply Beach


  1. I don't really have a winter and summer wardrobe, I just wear anything all year round x


  2. Layering is my go to for winter, so I definitely use Summer pieces too

  3. I'm cold just looking at them lol, I wear the same thing all year - just put a jumper on top in winter lol

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  4. I am a definite Loungewear kind of person as the weather gets warmer x

  5. There's some really useful tips here - thanks for sharing x

  6. I've been living in pjs and loungewear for the last week!

  7. Tights and long sleeved tops under everything work a treat.

  8. It's so important to layer in the winter, especially if you want to incorporate your summer wardrobe!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  9. I hardly rotate my wardrobe either, I tend to layer during Winter as going from inside to outside can mean taking off or applying more layers!xo

    Char | www.charslittleblog.co.uk

  10. I adore loungewear, my favourite! Can’t wait for summer again.


  11. I'm freezing all the time so my 'summer' wardrobe only has a few pieces in it but I always use them for layering in winter x


  12. Layering is key! I try and mix and match my wardrobe all year round x

  13. I would love to go to Thailand! I love a good sweater over a dress x

    Joyce | http://www.joycelauofficial.com/

  14. Love layering even in summer as im always nippy - great WAY to get a new look everyday


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