Infini Roses

Sunday, May 06, 2018
You may have noticed that as well as cosy blankets, I typically have a lot of fresh flowers in my posts and social media. When I first started blogging, I didn't use any props as I thought they looked so odd next to products (and some props still do) but I love how fresh flowers, blankets and ribbons look in photos - the only problem with fresh flowers is they only last for a week or so before they're unusable but in comes Infini London to the rescue.

*Infini London Light Pink Roses (£19.99 each)
Infini London make a range of gorgeous rose boxes as well as single roses which are available in a wide range of shades pink, red, orange, white and more unusual shades such as gold, peach, blue, navy, purple, yellow and even black! I opted for the pretty light pink roses as they fit with my photography style and tones perfectly.
Each rose, whether singular roses or within a box, are all treated using an intricate and environmentally friendly process that preserves the roses so that they last so much longer than fresh, untreated roses. The process allows the roses to maintain their freshness for up to one year which is incredible and there is no watering needed!

The roses are the perfect combination of a fresh real rose and an artificial flower so that the real roses look fresh and new but they don't need any maintenance or water. The only measures you have to take is to avoid leaving them in direct sunlight and high humidity. I've been using my roses already for blog photos, you may have seen them on my blog or social media! I cannot recommend them enough!

Have you heard of Infini London? What do you think of roses that last for a year?


  1. They are so pretty! I like that they last longer than fresh roses too x

  2. Those roses are absolutely gorgeous!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  3. Those roses look gorgeous! Your photography is so good, you're really talented. I really need to start using more blogging props!

  4. This is cool and really handy, especially for blog photos.


  5. Oh they’re beautiful! I love fresh flowers, especially roses.

  6. These are so pretty! So hand for blog props too x


  7. Oh wow they are STUNNING! So so pretty! I love the idea of using them as props too - such a good idea!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  8. These are adorable and so pretty, great review. 🌸✨

    With love, Alisha Valerie x


  9. Your photography is beautiful! Love the idea of flower boxes xx

    Sincerely, Sarah xx

  10. I've not seen anything like this before! May have to treat myself to some x

    Brooke |

  11. There is something quite special about the scent of roses x

  12. Oh wow I really love the idea of this! I love using flowers in my photos, and fresh ones are always best, but don't last long enough!

  13. Wow, I'd never heard of a brand like this before. The roses are beautiful.

  14. Roses are my favourite flower! I'm absolutely in love with these.

    Faye Jessica |

  15. I haven't heard of this brand but honestly roses are one of my favourites to have fresh! They look good with everything!

    Gemma Louise

  16. Wow one year! That’s impressive x

  17. I've wanted some of these for while! Your photography is so beautiful too

  18. Oh wow how fab are these!! I just can't get my head around it - NEED!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  19. I am desperate for some of these roses, I think they're beautiful x

  20. I'm so tempted, they are so pretty but I'd be worried they wouldn't be perfect when they arrived as I've ordered flowers online before and they've got crushed xx

    Gemma Etc. ❤️

  21. I may have to invest in one myself x

  22. Very pretty! Great if you are like me and can't keep plants alive ha.

  23. Wow these are amazing! I'm definitely going to look into purchasing some xo

    Char |

  24. Totally agree that flowers look super pretty in blog photos, which we had someone who sold flowers that last the year here in Ireland but that rose looks just as good as a regular one x


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