Blog Tour: Ace Of Shades by Amanda Foody

Wednesday, May 16, 2018
This month has been a very varied month with genres ranging from epic fantasy, history fiction and a childrens read to YA, this book is the latter and it was such an incredibly absorbing, entertaining and magical world that I couldn't get enough of. YA reads similar this are like candy to me, they're so enjoyable and I finish them very quickly - this one is no different!

*Ace Of Shades by Amanda Foody (459 pages) ★★★ (3.75)
In Ace of Shades we follow Enne as she travels to the city of sin, New Reynes, to find her adoptive mother but what she uncovers is a plethora of secrets, ties to the deposed royal family, gangs, criminals and a rather obnoxious but charming criminal (because there has to be a love interest within a YA read).

One of my favourite things about this book has to be the grimy, crime filled and mesmerising setting which definitely gave me vibes of 1920's New York! I also loved the magical abilities the characters have called blood talents and spirit talents that are passed on from generation to generation. The book definitely had a couple of similarities to one of my favourite books, The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon, in terms of the gangs, lords, magical/supernatural abilities and crime.

The mystery of Enne's missing mother was definitely compelling as well as the other mysteries that reveal themselves along the way which made for a very quick, easy and page turning read. My only negatives were as follow: it definitely felt a little too YA at times, the love interest was predictable from the first couple of chapters and I didn't like the use of the word 'muck' instead of swearing which definitely made it feel too YA. Amanda Foody's imagination is incredible and I adored spending time in this world, now I cannot wait for the next two books in the series as this one was amazing! I cannot recommend it enough and I now want to read more from Foody (I hope she writes adult novels at some point in this style because I know I'd adore them).

Have you read Ace Of Shades or will you be picking it up? What are you currently reading? 


  1. This sounds like a really interesting read! Love your book reviews x

  2. I've seen this book around, I love the cover!


  3. This book sounds right up my street and a super interesting read! The cover is so cute too!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  4. I'm currently reading The Next Girl by Carla Kovach. It takes me ages to find a book to read, but I've been loving this one so far!

    Brooke |

  5. The books sounds fab! I love stories with elements of magic in them but with a real and gritty twist.

  6. As interesting of a read as this book sounds I think it'll be a pass for me-left YA books behind a long time ago x

  7. I'm not too sure this storyline would be for me but I love that cover

  8. I started a book at the weekend and the synopsis sounded amazing but the book is not oops x

  9. This sounds interesting, I haven't read in a while!

  10. I love crime dramas so this sounds interesting x

  11. This sounds like such a great read. I love the sound of the setting!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  12. Oh it sounds like a fab read!
    I love books like this one.

  13. Always love your book reviews. I’m not reading anything atm sadly x

  14. I’ve never heard of this book before but it sounds amazing!

    Ayse x

  15. Ooooo this sounds so good! I will need to add it to my reading list :)

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  16. My recommended list of books from you is so huge ahaha! Xx

  17. Really enjoy your book reviews! I've not heard of it before this post :) xx

    Sincerely, Sarah xx

  18. I recieved an ARC of this one last year and it was one of my absolute favorite reads of the year!

  19. I'm not sure if I would pick this up. It sounds okay but I have too many others on my TBR that I wouldn't skip this forward.

  20. Ooh this book sounds like it could be an interesting read for me!xo

    Char |


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