Mini Book Reviews #9 ft. Thames and Hudson

Tuesday, March 20, 2018
I haven't published one of these 'mini book reviews' posts for a while so I thought I'd bring them back especially as I have three similar non-fiction reads from Thames and Hudson to review, all of which come out later this week.

I've always been interested in history, from lessons in primary school about ancient Egypt and Henry VIII to the documentaries I'm always watching; my one regret will always be that I was pushed into taking chemistry at college rather than history which is what I wanted to do (damn that chemistry teacher!).

*Ancient Rome On 5 Denarii A Day by Philip Matyszak (144 pages) ★★★ (3.5)
One of my favourite book genres has to include quirky short non-fiction and these three definitely fit into that category; they're all from Thames and Hudson and less than 200 pages so I think they'd be great for non-fiction lovers and people who never read non-fiction. The style of the writing is as through it's an interesting history textbook and guidebook all in one.

I love the cover as well as the illustrations throughout the book and the unusual format/style of displaying the information. There was so much information that I didn't know and I'd definitely recommend this read even if you have some knowledge of Ancient Rome as they'll be something new to learn.

*Shakespeare's London On 5 Groats A Day by Richard Tames (160 pages) ★★★
Along with the previous book this one has the same illustration style, information format and layout. It is such an interesting read with more information I already knew but I think so many people would find it an entertaining, easy and quick non-fiction that you can finish in a couple of days. There were quite a few shocking facts that I didn't know! They're also great to dip in and out of as well. I wish there were more of these books!

*England's Forgotten Past by Richard Tames (192 pages) ★★★ (3.5)
The style of all there books is very similar in terms of the layout, cover, illustrations and the way the information is presented. The book contained some information that I knew and maybe half that I didn't know. I'd definitely recommend it for people who love history and want a quick, easy but entertaining non-fiction history read! This would be a fantastic book to give as a gift for book and history lovers. The only thing I didn't like about this read was the sections on sport and war as I personally don't like reading about those topics but apart from that it was a throughly interesting and quick read.

Will you be picking up these books when they are released later this week? 


  1. I love the idea of short stories like this as with everything going on I'm finding it hard not to be distracted. These are great for losing yourself in for a couple of hours.

  2. These sound like such cute little books and I literally adore their covers! x

  3. Oh wow they look so good! I love books like this, and the covers are so cute!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  4. My nephew would probably love these books x

  5. I love these sort of books, they sound fab!

  6. These have really cute covers!


  7. These books look like a great easy way to learn some history!

  8. I love mini reviews, you get just want you need to know about a bunch of books instead of a ton on just one.

  9. Great post, I love the idea of mini reveiws. Love your blog layout by the way. I'd love to read the Shakespeare one.

  10. I love history but, to be honest, I don't usually have the patience to read the 500-odd page, overly detailed form they usually come in. I think these books are a good way to have my cake and eat it!

  11. How cute are those covers though! x

  12. Love the idea of a mini review. It’s good to learn about history whilst reading as well! x

  13. I don't have the longest attention span for reading these days so these sound good for me x

  14. Your book reviews are always so good! X

  15. These all sound so interesting! I love your little book reviews! xx

  16. The covers are really lovely! I don't particularly like reading about History, but your reviews of these books are fab xo

    Char |

  17. I need to get into more short stories! It would definitely make me find the time for more reading :)
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  18. Out of all of these I think the Anicent Rome would be for me. Always had an interest in the romans when I was in school x


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