
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Image from Missguided via Pinterest

The term #bodygoals has been creeping up on social media so much lately, it has become a natural saying for people to say on a daily basis when they see someone with a good body and natural beauty. It could either be men or women, but some people just look so defined and sculpted, it can often leave you feel jealous. But it isn’t just the physique that people are admiring, it is the full package that comes along with it. Now, due to social media a lot of us will assume we’ll never be part of the #bodygoals gang, this couldn’t be more wrong. We’ve got some pointers that will leave you feeling amazing, and others saying #bodygoals.

Work On Your Physique 
This is the main thing that people look at when they see you, even if you don’t want them to. So, sculpting the perfect body is easy if you put in enough work. Eating healthy is the first step. Cut out all of the sugars and saturated fats you’d usually fill your diet with, you actually have to be really strict with yourself. This will help to reduce overall body fat, and give you a good base layer to tone with. Always stay hydrated with at least two litres of water a day. A good diet is going to be filled with proteins, a small amount of carbs, and veggies and fruits. Then move onto the exercise. Again, you have to be pretty strict with yourself here. Working out four times a week will be enough, on the three days off you need to make sure you’re resting so that your body can recover. Use workouts from the internet and build up your tolerance until you feel you can push yourself more. There’s workouts for absolutely everything on the internet depending on what you’re looking for. From flat abs to a big bum, it’s all on there.

Work On Your Problem Areas 
We all have areas that we really hate. Something we wish so hard that we could change about ourselves. Well, nine times out of ten you actually can. For example, one of the main areas that women hate so much is their breasts. It’s so easy to pick out faults with them, yet so easy to get them perfect using breast enlargement surgeries. It does carry some risks, but it is worth it in the long run if you chose a highly trained and respected surgeon. Another major insecurity women have that can easily be solved lies on their face. Our skin is one of the most annoying things to maintain. It can either be spotty, oily, dry, the list could go on. So, make sure you’re always using a cleansing routine in the morning and night. There are creams you can use that will help reduce spots as well as redness. If you use them as instructed it should help clear up your issue.

The last bit of advice we have for you is to feel confident. The more you love your body and accept that nobody is perfect, the more you’re going to love yourself. It’s important not to compare your body to others, and only make any changes because you want to, not because you feel you need to.

Do you have any fitness or body goals for 2018? 

*This is a collaborative post 
*Image from Pinterest 
please always do your own research before considering any kind of treatment anywhere or making any lifestyle changes


  1. I need to work on my problem areas I think, post baby bodies are hard to concur! x

  2. I personally don't have any body goals as I feel like everyone should feel so comfortable and beautiful in their own skin. 🌸✨

    With love, Alisha Valerie x | www.alishavalerie.com

  3. I'm just hoping that now I have had my op I can begin to get in shape! xx

  4. I'm personally trying to lose some weight this year. I've been focusing on eating well.

  5. I just want to feel more fit in myself, I want to improve my stamina and hopefully cut a little too!

    Danielle xx

  6. So many great tips - honestly once you start working out I find it all falls into place x

  7. My tummy is my least favourite area of my body. Having had 3 kids I am so self conscious of it. I’m definitely trying to target this area when I workout x

  8. I need to stop snacking basically x

  9. Oh I would love to set some achievable goals for this year! Sounds so good :) Love your tips too!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  10. For me it is working on my confidence. I feel I am getting there though as I'm not as obsessed with having the "perfect" body I once was.

  11. I think body goals is learning to love what you look like which is what I've learnt this year after having a baby and not being happy with my body. Some people are too busy to find the time to go to the gym all the time x

    Gemma Louise

  12. I think we'll always be unhappy about certain things but I know deep down that if there's anything I want to change about myself I can - I just need to really want to do it and put my mind to it. Everything is achievable!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  13. Hmm I don’t know so much about body goals but I just want to be healthy, and happy in my skin.

  14. I'm currently trying to work out frequently to get that Bali body!!xo

    Char | www.charslittleblog.co.uk

  15. With a baby on the way, all my body goals have gone out the window!

  16. I used to always be so fit, but as I am getting older I notice it is harder and harder to stay fit.

  17. I really want to work on my fitness levels much more in 2018 as they're pretty poor at the moment! xx www.imjustagirl16.co.uk

  18. My struggle with my body shape will end when I decide to give up chocolate .😂😂😂

  19. I definitely need to work out more this year


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