*Laser Hair Removal: How It Works

Saturday, February 17, 2018
Image from The Frugality
Laser Hair Removal is something I've been interested in for a few years and while I've tried numerous at home devices including the Silkn Glide HPL System and the Love My Skin Laser Hair Remover, both of which worked to an extent but I'd love to try professional laser hair removal.

Dore Aesthetics offers a wide range of treatments from cellulite removal, tattoo removal, acne scar removal, pigment removal, wrinkle reduction and various cosmetic procedures that don't require invasive surgery. Additionally, they also offer laser hair removal that has been used by over 2,000 customers from influencers to celebrities.

While laser hair removal is something I've tried at home, it isn't something that I have looked into how it works! Laser hair removal involves intense light that is absorbed by the hair follicle and the heat destroys follicles which in theory should prevent the hair from growing back again. It is a safe treatment and it doesn't damage the surrounding skin in any way, it is only effective on the hair follicles.

Laser hair removal is the most effective for those with pale skin and dark hair and it might not be able to be used on certain skin tones or hair colours - a consultation is always needed. I've used various at home treatments and they have been effective and that might be in part because my skin tone is ghosty pale...the only benefit of almost glow in the dark skin.

It's a non-invasive hair removal treatment that has been a popular choice for many years and it's offered at various prices so always look for the best deal. The before and after photos on the Dore Aesthetics website are very impressive and make me want to book a session! Shaving is such a chore and I always manage to cut myself so not having to shave would be amazing and save money in the long term.

Have you gone through laser hair removal? Or is it something you'd want in the future? 


  1. Such a great post for getting information before going for this treatment x

  2. Ooh it sounds very intriguing. I've tried IPL and really liked it, but I'd love something a little more longlasting xx

    Gemma Etc. ❤️

  3. I wold have loved to years ago on my arms but I don’t think I’d bother now. I can see the attraction though.

  4. I'm currently undergoing it right now and so far love the results x

  5. My only experience with laser hair removal is using a NoNo! product once which, to be honest, I hated. It look far too long, I didn't feel like it had any real benefit and it stunk! I have very pale skin as well so I would have thought it would work well.


  6. I like IPL because you can do it at home! X

  7. I tried a laser hair removal tool and it didn’t work for me, took me an age to cover one little area!

  8. If I could afford it, I’d definitely want to do it x

  9. I have never tried laser hair removal but from your post it sounds like something I would like to try. Thank you for sharing this.

  10. Laser Hair Removal was one of the best investments I ever made! I did it everywhere, and I am so happy with the results!


  11. I have a how hair removal laser kit and found that works great for me, but permanent hair removal would be amazing!

  12. I must say I have been debating it lately x

  13. I get waxed and it's amazing how my hair's have changed colour (from brown to blonde) and got a lot finer and more sparse xo

    Char | www.charslittleblog.co.uk

  14. I’d love to have laser hair removal as I hate shaving! I got a patch test once but just never went back! X

  15. I've always been really interested in laser hair removal, but never looked into it.

  16. Pale Skin and Dark Hair? That is me! :) I need to get this, my hairyness is SO bad!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  17. I’ve never really read up on laser hair removal before. It would be brilliant to not need to shave all the time! x

  18. I've briefly tried an at-home laser removal treatment and I liked it but found that it was quite time consuming! xx

  19. I’d love to try it. Have a permanent solution to shaving


  20. I've actually looked into this, I'd love to get it done!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  21. I think I'd be tempted to get it done!

  22. I really want to give laser hair removal a go! x

    Lily www.pintsizedbeauty.com


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