VOOST #FindYourFizz

Monday, November 27, 2017
Today we're taking a break from all of the Christmas and gift guide posts to focus on a more health, fitness and self care themed post featuring VOOST multivitamins and supplements. I was kindly sent four of their vegetarian options which includes Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Magnesium and their general multivitamin tablets.

I have been a vegetarian since I was around 11 years old which is a very young age to be making such a massive lifestyle change but I'm glad I did and I've stuck with a vegetarian diet since then. Recently I've been slowly altering my diet to a more vegan and plant based opinion. I chose to change my diet based on moral reasons but whatever your thoughts are, plant based diets are some of the healthiest; however it isn't easy for everyone to have a healthy, balanced and fully nutritious diet all of the time so that's where VOOST supplements come in!
A government survey found that in UK 70% of people aren't eating the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables eat day (and people want criticise vegetarian or vegan diets...) which is where amazing sources of vitamins, fibre and minerals are found. Obviously the optimum solution is to eat more fruit and vegetables but we all know that it isn't attainable all of the time, even for a vegetarian as there are those days when we don't have time to cook healthy meals, we eat out, we don't have the energy to cook or we just want to eat a tonne of pasta and doughnuts.

Multivitamins and supplements are great extras that you can add into your diet with little effort but with an essential boost to the amount of multivitamins and minerals consumed. Taking a multivitamin each day should be something most of us should be taking, going off the government survey but I find that difficult - I've never liked taking pills of any form so these effervescent tablets are the perfect alternative as they dissolve in water.
Each vitamin or mineral supplement tube contains 10 which isn't very many and that's my only negative when it comes to the VOOST supplements. They each have their own benefits as well as there own flavours, some of which are nicer than others but they're all fairly pleasant:

*VOOST Multivitamin (£2.99)
The supplement I've been taking the most is the multivitamin option which contains 14 important vitamins and minerals including iron, zinc, folic acid and more. They dissolve quickly in 200ml of water which makes them very easy to take and this one is orange flavoured so to me it tastes like slightly fizzy orange cordial.

*VOOST Magnesium (£2.99)
Magnesium is important for the body as it helps to maintain normal function of the muscles and nervous system as well as the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth; additionally it can help to reduce tiredness which is definitely needed at this time of the year as I feel like I'm perpetually tired. It has a lemon flavour and to be honest, it's my least favourite out of the four I was sent but it's still tolerable.

*VOOST Vitamin C (£2.99)
Next up, we all know that Vitamin C is good for you but why? It helps support the immune system (ideal for the time of the year when everyone is full of a cold or a stomach bug), it's contributes to normal collagen formation and helps with tiredness so I think everyone should be taking vitamins C during the autumn and winter months. It has a blood orange flavour which is one of the nicest I've tried.

*VOOST Vitamin B (£2.99)
Lastly, Vitamin B which helps contribute to a normal metabolism, normal red blood cell formation, normal functioning of the immune system and it also helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. It has an apricot and peach flavour which is a little unusual for a supplement but I like it, it's one of the most palatable.

I think at this time of the year when we're all unusually busy, full of colds and even more tired, it's important to look after yourself and taking a multivitamin or supplements, especially when they can just be dissolved in water is such an easy form of self care! Eating healthily, exercising and getting all of the vitamins and minerals you need is so important for your body to function at it's optimum level and for you to be the best and healthiest you can be so put a fizz in your step and check out the VOOST supplements! They are currently 3 for 2 on the Superdrug website.

Have you tried any of the VOOST multivitamins or supplements? Do you take any multivitamins?

*gifted item sent to me
Also please do your own research and ask your doctor before taking any kind of supplement 


  1. I haven’t heard of this brand before but it’s great that they’re so affordable! X

  2. oooo these look good! It isn't something I use yet though, maybe I should?

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  3. These sound great and are far more affordable that I imagined they would be!

  4. They sound great for people who may be lacking certain vitamins x

  5. I also have followed a vegetarian diet since a very young age purely because I'm a picky eater! Then as I grew up I developed a lot of food intolerances and now follow a vegan diet. Due to this I really lack a lot of natural vitamins so I'm definitely going to look into these! I don't like taking tablets either so these seem like a great alternative!
    PaleGirlRambling xo

  6. I am absolutely hopeless at remembering to take any form of regular vitamin or anything else, even medication...

  7. I don't like fizzy drinks but love the idea of taking vitamins in liquid form, so fun! Thank you for sharing xxx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

  8. I need to get myself some of these. I eat awfully this time of year haha x

  9. I’m a vegetarian too so will have to look out for thesex

  10. i hadnt heard of this brand before. I am not a vegetarian at all but I too like taking my supplements to make sure I get all vitamins my body needs!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  11. I am already on so many supplements but I actually really like effervescent vitamins when I've had them in the past and they usually taste really nice!
    Alice Xx

  12. I’m veggie too and I like to take vitamins just to make sure I’m topped up on things like iron! Xx

  13. The flavours of these sound great! I'm not really one for supplements, so I do try and eat as much fruit and veg as possible xo

    Char | www.charslittleblog.co.uk

  14. I always take multivitamins and vitamin c capsules! I actually feel a difference when
    I stop taking them!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  15. I take iron supplements but that's it. I'm not a huge fan of these kind of effervescent tablets as I've never liked fizzy juice.

  16. These sound brilliant! I never take care of myself enough at this time of the year and I always end up ill (currently feeling rubbish now)! I really should use these! X

  17. I’ve never tried anything like this but I do worry I’m not getting enough vitamins - especially as we’re living in microwave meals while our new kitchen is being done!

  18. I definitely agree that it's the time we should be taking extra care of ourselves; the cold weather can really take its toll sometimes! These vitamins sound great and it's awesome that they're vegetarian! xx


  19. I have a vit C one I take most days, these sound really good though! NEED x


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