Today's post is all about nostalgia and delicious food in particular cheese, is there anything better than that combination? I was very kindly sent a huge sandwich hamper filled with cheese, bunting and sandwich essentials ft. Babybel, The Laughing Cow, Leerdammer and many other yummy goodies. If you follow me on Instagram (@ofbeautyand) then you will have seen the unboxing and a sneak peek!
I've created a couple of sandwiches that my child self wouldn't have had but my adult self loves! As a child I'd just have Laughing Cow cheese triangles on a sandwich or a grated cheese sandwich (my mum always used to say to me that I'd turn into cheese as I ate so much of it!) or I would have a Babybel in my lunch box as a snack along with delicious Daim bars, penguin biscuits or animal crackers - I'd love to go back to the 90's, minus the glitter hair mascara, mood rings and cheese discos *macarena anyone?*
Instead I've made sandwiches that are so nostalgic but more 'adult' than I would have had as a child. I love bagels and I definitely prefer them to plain white bread so I always start with a toasted bagel. I've added spread cheese as well as The Laughing Cow 'light' and Leerdammer cheese because the more cheese the better. I also love adding iceberg lettuce, rocket and fresh herbs to my sandwiches such as basil or dill.
I haven't had some of these products for almost ten years and they bought back lots of school memories and I forgot how creamy and delicious the Laughing Cow triangles were and I can't wait to try the other flavours - who knew they had a blue cheese option! My mum might be right that after all of these yummy sandwich goodies, I might turn into cheese!
What are your favourite sandwich fillings? Do you have any school day lunch favourites? Do you like any of the products I've featured?
I was obsessed with those dairylea triangles when I was younger, I always loved to have it in my sandwich x
ReplyDeleteThis post made me so happy!! We are huge babybel and cheese triangle fans in our household! Lots of school lunches are packed full with them!!
ReplyDeleteA hamper filled with cheese?! That is the dream!
ReplyDeleteI still absolutely love Babybels every now and then, but have never out them in a sandwich.
ReplyDeleteKristy |
I'm dairy intolerant and I miss cheese so much! X
ReplyDeleteA cheese hamper is the dream x
ReplyDeleteIm not allowed to have dairy and dairy free cheese sucks! Haha Now and again I have a pizza but it makes me so ill.
I'm not a big fan of sandwiches - strange, I know! xx
ReplyDeleteI eat the cheese triangles straight from the foil but my fave sandwich has to be fishmongers x
ReplyDeleteOkay now why don't I receive cheese-filled parcels, huh?! Cheese sandwiches are the best and I always have laughing cow triangles in my fridge - the extra light ones are perfect for Slimming World as are the light babybels.
ReplyDeleteGemma x |
I've not had a cheese sandwich in so many years!! Used to love babybels and cheesestrings haha. Also love that you used a bagel!
ReplyDeleteCally |
Okay I never knew this existed. Where have I been! Must make myself the biggest one now! Xx
ReplyDeleteI didn't realise that this was a thing and now I really want a sandwich! lol, I love just cheese, I'm so boring!
ReplyDeleteErin || MakeErinOver
I love a good sandwich especially when you toast them!
ReplyDeleteCass | CassandraMyee
I'm so hungry now haha. I love laughing cow, but as a little snack rather than in a sandwich
ReplyDeleteI really love cheese salad sandwiches at the moment! X
ReplyDeleteThis post got me thinking about my school days too lol! I actually love soft cheese so might add it to my next shop lol
ReplyDeleteChantelle x
The Girl In The Tartan Scarf
I do love a good sandwich. I pack one every other day for work x
ReplyDeleteYummmmmmy I love cheese and sandwiches! I'm trying to cut down the carbs at the moment and now after reading this I want all the bread! x
ReplyDeleteI hate cheese so this sandwich does not make me hungry!
ReplyDeleteI do love a good sandwich though, particularly subway!
Katie x
If a cheese hamper is not the dream, I don't know what is x