Space Saving Book Storage + Book Haul

Friday, April 21, 2017
I have been an on/off reader all of my life but since last year I have been reading more than I ever have and I'm loving it; however, it does cause a problem not just for my bank balance, TBR pile and the amount of unread books I have but it also means that I never have enough space on my two book shelves for all of my books even when I clear out my books regularly...

Additionally, I don't have a lot of space to keep putting up Ikea bookcases so in comes RedCandy to the rescue *cue all of the superhero music*. I was able to choose an item from their website and obviously I chose something book related; I picked the *Umbra Conceal Bookshelf - Set of 3 (£29). I have wanted invisible/concealed bookshelves since last year as I've been running out of space for a while and these shelves seemed like a easy, beautiful and space saving storage option for my excess books.

I have the set of three but you can get them individually and I couldn't be happier with them! They come with the parts you need to put them up, unless you have weird walls as I do. Even so the shelves were so quick to put up, they feel sturdy on the wall and even though there is a weight limit to the shelves, I can still pile on the books and they're fine.

I have been keeping my TBR and my most recently purchased books on my new and gorgeous floating bookshelves...yes, there are quite a lot, I have a problem. I love how they look on my wall in my office, it looks so unique and unusual; also it means that I have a space to put all of my vases, lights and candles (unlit, obviously).
I could be happier with my bookshelves and I will be recommending them to everyone - I think they are fantastic for the price and I definitely want some more, maybe to put in my bedroom. That's one thing I love about these, how versatile they are as they can be put up almost everywhere even on the tiniest wall space.

Now onto my mini book haul which consists of books that I have been picking up over the past two to three months from Amazon, The World of Books and Book Depository. Let's start with Amazon, I bought Slade House by David Mitchell, We Have Always Lived In The Castle by Shirley Jackson and The Daylight Gate by Jeanette Winterson all of which were part of the trap that is the Amazon 3 for £10 paperbacks offer *damn you Amazon*.

I bought an old copy of Shadow Show which is a collection of stories by so many authors in memory of Ray Bradbury from World of Books; sticking with the Ray Bradbury theme, I bought The October Country from him as since I read The Halloween Tree, I now want to read everything from Ray Bradbury. From Book Depository I picked up Good Night Stories For Rebel Girls which is a stunning book.
Lastly, for my book haul, I bought a few non-fiction books from The Works; I am always looking on their website as they have so many incredibly cheap books and along with Amazon, it's one of my weaknesses. As well as reading 80 books this year, I'm also trying to read more non-fiction which is a bit of a struggle as I'd much rather just watch a documentary than read a non-fiction book but I'm trying!

Overall, I cannot recommend these gorgeous floating bookshelves enough, they look great on the wall, they're so easy to put up and they are perfect if you don't have enough space for a full bookcase. There are other size/configurations of these shelves on the RedCandy website as well as so many gorgeous and unique homeware items. Here's my mini RedCandy wish list:
What do you think of these gorgeous floating bookshelves? Have you bought anything from RedCandy? 


  1. These shelves are so nice! X

  2. I've never seen shelves like these before but I love them! xx


  3. Oh my goodness, I've been dying to get some floating bookshelves! I'm definitely going to have to look into getting some (especially as my bookcase it full now).

    I'm also always sucked in by books deals like 3 for £10 - Tesco does a 2 for £7 deal which gets me every time - so I end up with so many books on my TBR pile.

    Sophie x | Essential Twenty

  4. Love those shelves they're so cool xx

  5. They are such cool shelves! Look like they're floating haha. Very stylish xx

    Cally |

  6. I need to read more as it's really gone to the wayside now with YouTube taking over my free time! Thanks for the push!

  7. Oh wow I love that idea! I don't own that many books as I'm more of a kindle girl eeek!! But love seeing other people's storage ideas

    Kasie x

  8. Oh my god this is amazing, I've never seen invisible shelves before. I'm a rubbish reader but should really make more time as I would love to read books more.

    Kristy |

  9. I really want floating bookshelves but I have too many books x

  10. I love the look of those floating shelves!

    Cass | CassandraMyee

  11. I've seen floating bookshelves online before (blogs, websites, etc) and I still love the idea as much as ever! It looks super cool and it's space-efficient. I probably won't be installing floating bookshelves until I live somewhere permanent though! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

  12. These are so cool and what a great way to store things - I guess not just books too! x

  13. What a great idea! They look so good!

    Georgia x

  14. Oh wow! They look so cool. What a fab idea x

  15. I absolutely love the look of those book shelves. These would be perfect for decorating Penny's room.

  16. Wow, this looks so cool! Like the books are floating! I may need to invest!

    Katie x

  17. they look great -I might look into some for my lounge x


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