Movie Night

Sunday, March 27, 2016
Movie Night
Movie nights are a common occurrence in our house, we love films and the latest we watched together was Spectre (I was quite disappointed by it overall, if I'm honest). I think movie nights are great ways of spending time with family and friends and eating sweets, popcorn or pizza...or all three! This is a sponsored post.

Movies are such a universally loved and sometimes argued about topic and even though some can be terribly bad (I'm looking at your Quantum of Solace), they are ways of connecting people from all ages. At Gracewell, a care home provider, movie nights are a enjoyed and anticipated group activity for the residents and their families.

I'm going to be hosting a movie night with friends soon and I was kindly sent some lovely goodies which if I'm honest, I've already ate some of them...oops! I will definitely have to buy more of the Jo & Seph gourmet popcorn in the salted caramel flavour as it is just heavenly. Also do any other 90's kids remember parma violets, fizzers, drumstick lollies and fizz wiz popping candy? I loved it and I can't wait to share with friends as we all loved these sweets growing up *they were a school disco essential, along with those candy watches/bracelets) - they are from Retro Sweet if you wanted to revel in some candy coated nostalgia.

I chose the dvd Crimon Peak as I've wanted to watch it since it came out last year, it looks creepy and atmospheric so I know I will love it. I think my friends will love it too as you know...Tom Hiddleston...If anyone has watched it, let me know what you thought in the comments below!

Do you have movie nights? What movie did you watch recently? Any movie recommendations? 


  1. Ah I love a good movie night. Nothing better to relax into a sofa in front of a good film. I watched Boyhood the other day (finally) and absolutely loved it and would recommend if you haven't seen it already!


  2. cool post!

  3. Oh my gosh I remeber all those sweets, palma violets were my fave! I used to love wearing them candy watches and slowly eating my way around it - fun times!

    Who doesn't love a good movie night - I feel like to do this sometime this week xxx

    Beth | Polishedcouture

  4. lol its cool, i cant even sit down to see a movie with someone else, only with my luv...

  5. I love a movie night! And I can't imagine doing it without something delicious to eat/drink! The last film I saw was Kingsman. Not a bit like I thought it would be but very entertaining nonetheless! x

    Kate Louise Blogs

    1. I've watched it, I thought it was ok but as you said, not what I expected! x

  6. ooh, I just love a good gourmet popcorn. I love the special flavours.

    Angie | Chocolate & Lipstick | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog


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