Three Years Of Blogging: Misconceptions

Sunday, May 17, 2015
Todays post is the another blog posts all about my experience of blogging as my blog has just turned three years old *cries like a proud parent* so I thought it would be a great time to share my experience and tips! This post is all about the perceptions and misconceptions go blogging. 

Even though 'big' bloggers have branched out into mainstream media and more people know about blogging, especially brands. It is still relatively unknown to the average person and if you are not a blogger yourself then you may have some misconceptions of what blogging is all about. First up, the biggest misconception, in my opinion:

- It's not easy! Don't start a blog expecting to be the next Zoella within three months. There is so much time, work and effort that goes into blogging and I don't think most non-bloggers or new bloggers realise that; I always see blogs that haven't been updates for months or ones that have been abandoned. I've worked hard for three years on my blog even while writing my university dissertation. You also learn so much, for example, I had no idea about PR/digital marketing, SEO, editing photos, the technical side of photography or networking before I started blogging. It's a steep learning curve and there is always more to learn but if you stick with it, it can be incredibly rewarding in the end. 

- Blogging consists of a massive community of people from all around the world and even just through twitter chats or commenting on blogs, it's such supportive and a friendly community to be part of! It's not a very lonely or exclusive hobby to have. 

- I don't get 'freebies', this is one misconception that really annoys me. Yes, I didn't physically pay for certain items or experiences but that doesn't mean I don't work for those products/experiences. So much time, effort, work and dedication goes into blogging. 

- We are not all hysterical girls that are crazy about makeup, I do love makeup but it's not a stupid or frivolous passion. A lot of bloggers, such as myself are university graduates; others are university students or professionals with the fields of PR and digital marketing. Also some bloggers have made blogging into a full time career (which is something I would love to do) and it's a great addition to your CV. 

- Blogging is not an unknown, uninfluential hobby. So many brands and PR companies recognise the influence, popularity and relatability of blogs. Blogs have a specific audience and relationship to consumers, unlike any other media so products can be advertised to their specific consumer market. 

If you are a blogger what are some of the blogging misconceptions you deal with? 

*I'm on the Dreams site along with other bloggers talking about overnight beauty treatments and tips* 


  1. Thanks for sharing your thought. I make blogging as my side job and really happy with that :D

    Oh Dear Bumblebees

    1. No problem, I love blogging - I would love to blog as a full time job x

  2. Thanks for this post, I just started my blog last September and sometime I get discouraged because I see so many bloggers and I say "nobody gonna want to look at my blog". But this post is motivated, I'm gonna keep going because its what I like to do :)

    1. Definitely keep going, blogging is so worth it in the end x

  3. This is such a nice post. I started my blog in December and often feel a bit discouraged or overwhelmed. Next time I feel a bit down I will have to remember this post.

    Beth x

  4. I agree with all of these, it's annoying how easy people think blogging is, like even those of us who earn no money from it, it's still a lot of hard work!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

  5. Preach it, sister! Totally agree with all these points :) Although in terms of following my blog is teeny tiny, it doesn't mean I don't work hard on promoting it all the time! x

    1. Thanks! I promote my blog as much as I can (within reason and without spamming people) and it does take a long time x

  6. I'm loving your blogging posts, they're great! I love this one, it's very true!


  7. I definitely agree about the perception of bloggers as 'silly girls talking about makeup' being far from accurate. I also agree it's hard work and people who expect too much too fast are usually the ones who give up blogging! xx

    Magpie Jasmine

    1. I completely agree, I wish more people would understand what goes into blogging and how diverse the community is xx

  8. Such a great and refreshing post! I agree it can be really disheartening when you put time and effort in and it feels like it goes unnoticed.


  9. Totally agree with this! I think people completely underestimate how much time and effort goes into blogging which is sad. I've also seen a few people saying that bloggers are just obsessed with makeup and that is another thing that annoys me. On the other hand, there are so many positives to blogging such as making such lovely friends. Great post

    1. It does take a lot of time and effort but it is so worth it!

  10. these things are all so true - in September my blog will be 7 years old! wowwwww

    A Forte For Fashion


  11. I totally agree about everything you've said here. Soon my blog will turn to 1 and I have already learnt so many things, that I had no idea about, when I was starting. xx

  12. Thank you for doing this post. I'm glad you pointed out that it's not a frivolous or stupid passion. I have a YouTube channel, and a blog that I'm trying to grow, and sometimes in the back of my mind I do feel like family and friends think it's stupid, or a waste of time. I as well have a university degree, and a college diploma in psychology and social work, but I'm working at a fast food restaurant because job opportunity just isn't there. YouTube and blogging gives me something to work towards, and I do consider it to be work as well as fun. So yes, thank you for saying that!

  13. Love it, so well put together.

    Sam|| BeautyDetour

  14. Blogging is definitely not easy! I haven't earned a penny from my blog yet but I'm always working really hard on it, not just writing posts but getting decent photographs and learning about SEO and self promotion. I can really relate to this post. I think the people around me think it's silly that I'm putting all my effort into something that might take years to pay off... but I think it's worth it. Thanks for writing this.

    Alice Red - Beauty/Lifestyle/Photography Blog


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