- New Year Makeup Ideas: Liner -

Monday, December 30, 2013
I have been playing around with smokey eyes and liner for my new year makeup over the past couple of weeks and I have come up with some potential candidates for my makeup on new years eve. I will have a smoky eyeshadow post coming tomorrow with more ideas but today it is all about liner!

For all of these looks I used the Stila Waterproof Liquid Liner in black which I have had for ages! I think I bought it from Asos. I love liner, especially winged liner but as I have fairly deep set eyes it can be difficult because my socket/crease is quite strong and the liner would get bent or lost! 

Here is my step by step guide to liquid liner for fairly deep set eyes. Firstly, I always use a primer and base shadow - I use the Nars Pro Prime and the soap and glory quad in 'whats nude' as a base(both of which I adore). I then start by shaking the liner  to get the liquid moving and I draw on my hand to make sure the liquid is coming out evenly. Then I personally start in the middle on my eye really close to the lashes then I extent out. At this stage I am only lining the upper lash line really close to the lashes as a starting point. I like to take the liner right out the the outer corner and close to the inner corner as a point. 

Then thicken the line, make it as thick or as thin as you like - start thin and small as you can always add more but it is a bit harder to get rid of the liner. Although if I do need to remove some liner I use Bioderma and a cotton bud. For the first basic flick (top left photograph above) I just looked straight ahead and made a dot where I would like the point of the flick to be - you can make it as high or as low as you like (I usually have it fairly low for day to day). As my eyes are fairly deep set you can see the problem I have, the crease is where the liner should be so the wing can look disjointed or bent when you open your eyes. 

 I find that I need to extent the liner further than usual to compensate for the liner that is lost when I open my eyes. I join the dot I made with the outer corner of my eye - lightly at first to avoid mistakes. Then with some trial and error just fill in the triangle between the dot you made, the line with the outer corner and the rest of the liner on the upper lash line. It definitely does take practise especially if you have deep set eyes. As well as deep set eyes, my eye are quite close together in my opinion so extending the liner makes the eyes appear further apart. 

For the extra little flicks or curves in the liner, I just used the Stila liquid liner to extend the liner, curve the liner, add small dots, or add a second wing extending from the outer corner and lower lash line. I finished with Avon supershock liner in the shade 'golden fawn' on the lower lashline and waterline. 


Let me know if you have tried any of these eyeliner looks and what are your eyeliner tips? 


  1. Such a great post! Love all the variations of the eyeliner. Especially loving the little curls at the end of the flick :)

    Followed you on GFC and bloglovin, by the way - love your blog!

    ♡ The British Teen ♡

    Heidi ♡

  2. These ideas are perfect, I love to experiment with the eyeliner too but actually end up with the ordinary "straight" line


  3. I can never do liquid liner, always manage messing up winging it out because of shakiness oops! Interesting flicks, I like the second one! x

    Essence of Jess

  4. These looks are so so pretty! I hardly go a day without winged liner of some sort, so I'll definitely be trying my hand at some of these for New Year's :)
    Zelda249 | Beauty, Life, Fashion

  5. Such pretty looks, especially love the second at the top! X

    Abby | Beauty and a Blogger

  6. I would to be able to do the most simple of eyeliners, these are just fabulous x
    Beautyqueenuk xx

  7. Great ideas to use liner and thanks for the tips.


  8. Great post, I love wear a strong eyeliner line as my main makeup feature!

    Belle x
    Mascara & Maltesers

  9. These all look amazing and very, very neat. I definitely want to try the idea of new ways to wear eyeliner.

    http://ambertypes.blogspot.co.uk xx

  10. i really want to start playing with my eyeliner :)


  11. I love winged eyeliner but I just don't think it suits my eye shape at all which is a shame :( Some fab ideas here though and ways to mix it up a bit :) x

  12. Oh my gosh, I LOVE them all! You're so talented with liner, I can only do the straight forward cat flick! I love the middle one on the bottom row, it's so cute and intricate xxx

  13. What a fantastic idea (with the winged and decorated liner)! I think Stila waterproof liner is a great idea - love the brand. Bet you'll look so gorgeous for New Year's.

    Beauty Fashion Skin Care Blog -Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Chic Style

  14. I love these.. too bad it doesn't work on my eyes! It can look so pretty on others!!

  15. Love these ideas, I've got to try that eyeliner


  16. Oh you are so talented, I can just about to a winged eye, I love the undereye line, I may try that!

    Cornelia - Ineffable Beauty

  17. I personally love the double wing, it looks so pretty and just gives a certain edge to your makeup :)
    Bea x

  18. Love these ideas! Especially the curls at the end, so pretty but simple :)

    Katie xx

  19. Great ideas!
    Happy New Year!

    xx Karolina

  20. Very, very charming and chic liner styles. I especially love the one with the wee little tendrils at the end - it makes me think of something a 1920s pixie (as in the fairy creature) might have worn (if such a thing existed :)).

    ♥ Jessica

  21. All of these are absolutely brilliant and beautiful! You've given me a lot of ideas on how to do my eye makeup for my NYE party tonight!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

  22. Happy New Year!
    and lovely design
    E | Beauty/Skincare | Cocoamourr

  23. super sweet eye liner! this is such a perfect winged eye effect :)

    Check out my latest post on 2013 Christmas Recap :)
    RASSP blog

  24. I've been loving the double winged liner look lately!
    Great tips and looks in this post!


  25. Amazing designs, I would love to recreate all of these eyeliner looks. Thanks for the post!


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