Tag: Seven Deadly Sins Of Beauty

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I was tagged by YouMeFriday to do the ‘seven deadly sins of beauty’ tag. I have watched a few youtubers do this tag and it is quite unique - here is my version. 
1. Greed: What is your most expensive beauty item?
My most expensive beauty item(s) are my Dior palettes or my Burberry eyeshadow quad. I have a couple of Dior palettes from my holidays which were around $68. My Burberry quad was £40.

2. Wrath: What beauty item do you have a love/hate relationship with?
My Benefit Hello Flawless Foundation. I love the finish, application, wear and feel of this product but the shade is too dark for me - I believe it I have the lightest shade. I have the shade ‘believe in me ivory’ but I can’t wear it because it is too dark!

3. Gluttony: What makes up brand is the biggest chunk of your makeup collection?
I have quite a lot of products from Rimmel, Revlon and Kiko - I have a lot of cosmetics from numerous brands. 

4. Sloth: What product do you neglect to use due to laziness?
Probably face primer. I love primers and I use eyeshadow primers every time I do my makeup but I am a bit lazy when I comes to face primers - I usually forget!

5. Pride: Which beauty product gives you the most confidence?
Base products like concealer and foundation - mainly foundation. When I have foundation on and my skin looks better, it makes my feel better about my appearance. 

6. Lust: Which item is at the top of your beauty wish list?
The Chanel Illusion D’Ombre cream eyeshadows have been on my wish list for a long time. I will have to treat myself as I received my last assignment grade for uni today (now I am just waiting for the overall grade in June). 

7. Envy: What makeup product looks great on others but not your self?
I think smokey eyes look great on most people but I don’t think they look right on me as my eyes are fairly deep set. 

I tag anyone who wants to do this - post a link to your 'seven deadly sins post' below! x


  1. This tag looks so fun, I'll have to do it some time. Great answers :)



  2. Love this blog post!
    I always neglect face primers, they're one of them where I'm like ahh nah I can get away without... mistake! I love them and they make a huge difference when I can be bothered.

    I'm enjoying reading your posts.


    Hannah xx

  3. I had the same issue with Benefits Hello Flawless, I'm just too pasty for it! It is a lovely finish though, which is such a shame. I'm a sucker for expensive beauty products too, especially powders, there's something about those lovely glossy compacts they come in... ;)

  4. Love this tag! It's so creative and interesting :)

  5. This was really interesting! *A* I agree with you on the smokey eyes part. They just aren't pretty on me. :'<


    gin ★


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