Review: Ciate Caviar Manicure

Thursday, January 24, 2013
This is my review of the Ciate Caviar Manicure set, I received this set as christmas from a lovely auntie of mine. I have only used this set once but here is my review of the application, finish and longevity of this product. 
Natural lighting
The application process for this product was fairly simple if a bit messy. To start with you paint your nails with the normal polish provided in the set - I would suggest your do one nail at a time. I only wanted the effect on one nail so I applied a thick (ish) layer of polish to the one finger first. I then allowed it to dry slightly and I tipped the small multicoloured beads onto my nail. Make sure you have something underneath your nails to catch the breads so you can use the excess beads that come off. This bit can be really messy - even opening the lid of the bead can be messy so I would suggest you open it over a tray to catch the beads. After the beads have stuck, press very gently on the nail with the beads to push them further into the polish - do this very gently otherwise the beads will stick to your finger. While the finger with the beads was drying I painted the rest of my nails and I waited for the suggested 15-20 minutes. The normal polished applied really quite smoothly/nicely but it did need two coats really. 
Artificial Indoor lighting

The drying time for the effect is a bit longer than I wanted it to be, I had to sit for 20 minutes for it to dry so only do this if you have about 40 minutes to spare because getting everything ready, painting the nails, applying the beads, clearing up took me about 40/45 minutes in total for the first time. I did this nail effect for new years eve/day and everyone seemed to like it. Although as you can see the effect doesn't last long, after 12 hours quite a lot of the beads had come off one finger but the other finger was ok. The beads can be really annoying on the nails as they catch on things = especially your hair! 

Natural light
The after two days, the beads had nearly all come off from one finger and the other was half empty! The longevity of this nail effect is really poor in my opinion and the leaflet that can with my set said to only apply a topcoat to the tips of the nails - not all over for some reason. Overall, I like the effect, I think it is a fun set/idea but in practice it is not practical, it is slightly messy, the longevity isn't great and when the beads do fall off they leave a worn/messy pattern/look to the nails. 


  1. I think if I used this product I would end up poking them only because I love squishing beads! x

  2. These are really impressive! So lovely!

  3. I cant ever get these to work! x

  4. How disappointing, they look very pretty though :) xo

    1. I know! I will probably try 'fur' nails next :) x

  5. Hmm. I would've never even thought about doing this. Sad that it didn't work out.

  6. It's so funny that it leaves little holes where it's pulled off the varnish too!! ^.^ Looks very pretty but for practicality it's not so super D;

    1. It does look really pretty and unique but yeah, the poor longevity is a bit let down x

  7. So sad, it was a great idea but the quality was pretty bad
    It seems like you had a great time!!, very cool, and i wanna see this tatoo!

  8. Those pearls look so cool on the nails! I'va always wanted to try them but as you said, they're not practical at all. Plus, they must leave easily I think.


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