Beautiful Book Storage Ideas

Image from Domino via Pinterest
As you all know, there’s nothing I love better than sitting down with a good book and getting lost in its pages – I can read for hours, especially in the gorgeous weather that we’ve been having lately! If you’re a bookworm like me and have hundreds of books, the likelihood is that you’ll need a place to store them. While a traditional bookcase is always handy to have, I think storing your books a little differently in creative ways can inspire you to read even more! Below, I’ve listed some beautiful book storage ideas that will not only make a gorgeous addition to any room in your home but will also increase your love of reading (if that’s possible):

Gallery-Style Bookshelves
If you have exhausted every coffee table in your home with piles of books, gallery-style bookshelves could provide you with some much-needed extra storage space. This style of shelving works particularly well on stark white or block coloured walls as it enables books to stand out against a solid backdrop.

To create these slick shelves, use thin slats of wood that are the same colour as your wall and position your books of equal distances apart. For a dramatic look, only use books with black and white covers; alternatively, use books with multicoloured covers to create a relaxed and artsy vibe.

Ladder Bookcase
The ultimate shabby chic book storage hack, if you’ve got an old wooden ladder lying about, don’t throw it away as with a bit of TLC, it can be transformed into the perfect book storage solution! If you like the look of your ladder the way it is, give it a quick clean up with some polish and a duster. However, if you want to make it more of a statement piece, paint it in a colour that will make it stand out from the rest of your dĂ©cor.

Once you have finished making it look pretty, the practicalities of your new ladder bookcase must also be considered. For example, if you will be propping your ladder at an angle, you’ll need to provide some protection on the back of the steps to stop the books from tumbling out. Small wooden slats or a line of wire are subtle additions that can be used to ensure your books stay put!
Image from Apartment Therapy via Pinterest 
Personalised Wooden Book Caddy
If you’re after a more mobile book storage solution, a personalised wooden caddy could be just what you’re looking for! From hardbacks to kindles, you can store all kinds of reading materials in these super stylish caddies and move them easily from one room to another. Additionally, the option to choose the colour of your book caddy and have it personalised means it will always fit in with the colour scheme of your home, and you can enjoy the novelty of having a messaged printed on it that’s personal to you!

Spool Bookcase
If you’re after another great little DIY project, get creative by making your very own spool bookcase! Not only can this nifty little creation be used to hold your books as well as other small items, but it can also function as a table, making it a great piece of furniture to having in the living spaces of your home. Visit your local recycling centre or DIY store to find a spool. Then, give it a new lease of life with some paint; if you prefer a sleek finish, go over it again with a coat of gloss. Alternatively, rub your spool down sandpaper to achieve a classically rustic look.

Wooden Storage Crate 
Finally, if you’re a lover of country living and want to create that ultimate rustic feel, store your books in a gorgeous wooden storage crate. Not only can wooden crates make a simple but stylish addition any room in your home, but they also enable a large number of books to be stored collectively, meaning you won’t have to root around in several places when it comes to finding your favourites! Wooden crates can also function can as a stand-alone-piece of furniture or be placed in or on top of other items, making them one of the most versatile book storage solutions.

 Will you be trying any of these beautiful book storage ideas in your home?

*This is a sponsored post
*Images from Pinterest 


  1. I love all these ideas for storage generally, not just books! x

  2. Oh wow they all look amazing! :D

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  3. I really want to have gallery bookcases, I have enough books!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  4. These are all SO beaut! I hope I have a space in my future home to give one of these a go. xx

    Lucy |

  5. I love ladder book shelving it’s so gorgeous and modern! X

  6. I love the idea of using wooden crates!!

  7. I love the idea of the wooden crates but not sure if I have space to do it.

  8. honestly, this is goals! When I own my home I definitely want to have a space like this!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  9. I'd love to have a room big enough for gorgeous book storage like this.


  10. I can’t wait to have my own place one day where I can go to town with beautiful shelves and gorgeous book storage!

  11. I need all the help I can get! I have so many books. X

  12. I love how they've utilised the wooden crates. Such an eye-catching feature.

  13. I can't wait to move into my new flat and start on some gorgeous storage ideas!

    Faye Jessica |

  14. I absolutely loved this post. Such great ideas. I have bookmarked this one too!

    I loveee books and have created different styles of bookshelves for my books. Thank you for this inspiring post.


  15. I’d love to have a house with a library in it, but in the mean time I’ve got to make do with Ikea bookcases x

  16. Oh I really love this idea for storage.

  17. Oh I need to send this to my boyfriend!

  18. Love the eooden boxes idea x

  19. I love the idea of ladder storage!

  20. I love both the gallery-style and ladder bookshelves!xo

    Char |

  21. I have loads of books and would love to have a storage like one of these!

    Ayse x

  22. These storage ideas are so dreamy! When we move house I need to get some good storage units for all of our books!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf


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