Blog Tour: Alone Time by Stephanie Rosenbloom

Last month I was lucky enough to receive an early copy of Alone Time by Stephanie Rosenbloom and recently I was sent a finished hardcover copy which I'm very thankful for as I loved this book. The finished copy cover is so simple but it's so beautiful! You can check out a shorter version of my review in my May Reading Wrapup post.

*Alone Time by Stephanie Rosenbloom (288 pages) ★★★ (3.75) 
Alone Time is categorised as 'travel writing' which it is but I'd also categorise it as a travel memoir, guide book and self help read interspersed with statistics, experiences and travel recommendations focusing on four beautiful cities including Paris, Istanbul, Florence and New York. I visited Florence back in 2014 and adored it but after reading Alone Time, I wanted to book a hotel immediately to re-visit the city!

I haven't visited any of the other cities but I'd love to particularly New York and Paris, especially after reading this book. It follows the authors experiences of solo travelling within each city during a different time of the year which made for a very rich, immersive and informative read, so much so that if I visit any of these cities in the near future then this would be the perfect companion.

To be perfectly honest, I think if it was solely a travel memoir then I wouldn't quite have liked it as much but thankfully it's filled with interesting and new to me facts all about solitude, solo travelling and more which I definitely appreciate. I loved the laid back, relaxed writing style, the leisurely and strolling pace and the recommendations of places to visit.

Sadly I do have a few negatives about this read, the first being the repetition of sentences such as 'slipped my finger into the handle of my coffee cup', 'slid my finger through the tasseled keychain' and 'slipped out of the door', which I did find a little annoying. Additionally, on occasion it felt forcefully wistful which came across as cheesy at times and the tips at the end of the book appeared to be sponsored by the websites and apps mentioned (maybe not?), but to me it felt a little inauthentic.

Despite the negatives mentioned, I did thoroughly enjoy the book and it gave me so much wanderlust, especially to visit the incredibly beautiful and historic city of Florence again as well as New York which is a city I've yet to visit but I need to! I highly recommend this book not only as a general summer read about some of the most visited cities in the world but also as a travel book if you're visiting any of the four citifies mentioned as I think it would be a valuable resource. Thanks for much to Transworld for the early copy, finished copy and for putting together this blog tour! Don't forget to follow me on GoodReads!

What do you think of this read? Have you visited any of the four cities mentioned? Will you be picking up this part travel memoir, part self help guide and part travel guide? 


  1. I love for the cover for this (totally judging it oops) x

  2. This sounds like something I’d enjoy. I visited New York last year June and it’s my favourite city in the whole wide world!

  3. This sounds like a book I would like x

  4. I love simplicity of the front cover. This sounds like an interesting read.

  5. I think i'd enjoy this book despite the negatives you've discussed.

    Faye Jessica |

  6. Loved the honest review, Dear. But the book sounds so interesting. I love srlf-help, and travel reads too!

  7. It’s funny how you pick up the repetition of words. I found the same with a book I finished and it really began to irritate me x

  8. I've never heard of this book personally, good review 🌸✨

    With love, Alisha Valerie x |

  9. It sounds like a lovely book.
    I’d also love to visit New York.

  10. Now this sounds like my kind read - deffo up for this one x

  11. This book sounds like something I would enjoy, I love travelling!

  12. Don't think this book would be for me x

  13. I've seen this book around and really want to read it.


  14. I'm getting Eat Pray Love vibes from this but I get the feeling that it is not so deep. I would be interested in reading somebody's account of their solo travelling as it is something I would be too nervous to do myself.

  15. Very honest review, which I love! Any kind of travel memoir and self-help book combination sounds like my kind of read xx

    Sending light & love your way,

    My Lovelier Days

  16. I absolutely love the cover of this one!!

  17. Sounds like such a lovely book, regardless of the few negatives!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  18. This sounds really nice! I might need to pick it up for my holiday! :)

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  19. that's a lot of slipping aha! I do like travel books and the cover is very appealing! Might encourage me to take a few solo trips once and for all! x


  20. The cover is gorgeous! This sounds like an interesting read and both Florence and New York are two places I would love to visit one day xo

    Char |

  21. I love the front cover of this book, looks so summery!

    Ayse x

  22. This sounds like a fab holiday read! Will have to check it out!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  23. I know reading this would make me so travel-hungry haha! xx

    Brooke |


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