How to Get Your Garden Ready for Summer

Image from The Cottage Journal via Pinterest 
When hot weather arrives, the kneejerk reaction from many of us Brits is to rush out into the garden, battle our way down the overgrown path to the shed and yank out our sun loungers as quickly as possible to let the tanning commence. However, while soaking up the sun may be the first thing on your mind in warm weather, taking the time to prepare your garden for those glorious summer months should ultimately come first. However, this doesn’t have to take forever, and by doing a few small jobs, you can quickly transform your unkempt garden into a relaxing outdoor environment that’s the perfect setting for sunshiny days and warm evenings. Below, I’ve provided some handy tips to help you get your garden looking fabulous for summer:

Mow the Lawn
For me, there’s nothing better on a hot day than walking out into the garden and feeling the soft grass between your toes, so make sure your lawn is neatly mowed in time for the warm weather. But before you start mowing, there are a couple of things you should do first; begin by treating any unsavoury brown patches with lawn feed as this will hopefully revive any dead grass. Then, remove any large stones that could get caught in your lawnmower and cause damage. Once you’ve completed these tasks, get going with the cutting but leave your grass at least one centimetre long to ensure it looks healthy.

Clear your Flowers Beds
To enable new bulbs to come through, be sure to clear your flower beds by removing any debris such as leaves, twigs or pebbles that could prevent any new growth. Once you have cleared the surface, cut back any dead growth from the existing plants to allow new florae to flourish in the sunshine. Finally, if you want to give your flowers the best chance of blooming, sprinkle at least 5cm of organic matter such as fertiliser or compost into the soil and work it through.
Image from Nishe via Pinterest
Paint the Fence 
After the fierce winter weather at the start of the year, you may find that your garden fence is looking a little worse for wear and is in desperate need of a bit of spruce up. Revitalise your fence with a fresh coat of paint, perhaps going for a more summery shade such as pastel pink, sage green or baby blue to create those ultimate summer vibes. Then, give it quick coat of gloss to make it shimmer in the sunshine and use a wood protection treatment such as Creosote to shield it from both hot and cold weather.

Clean your Garden 
Furniture Once you have tackled the nitty-gritty garden jobs, turn your attention to the social areas of your garden and think about how you can make them look their best for any summer parties or gatherings you may have coming up. Start by cleaning any garden furniture that may be in need of some TLC; this may include benches, chairs, tables, and umbrellas, which can all be cleaned with hot, soapy water and a sponge.

Add some Accessories 
Once your furniture is all spick and spank, it’s time to get creative with some garden accessories – think cushions, fairy lights and pot plants! Provide the ultimate comfort for your guests with some brightly coloured or tropical print cushions, so they can sit back and relax on those warm summer nights. Additionally, string a row of fairy lights across your garden’s social area to create a relaxing atmosphere that will help set the tone for any occasion, no matter how big or small. Finally, dot some pot plants around the area in different tubs to create stylish points of interest that are sure to catch the eyes of your guests. These may include a small wooden crate, a bucket or colourful glass jars! 

Summer is the perfect time to be out in the garden, so ensure you have yours ready to enjoy those gloriously warm days and dreamy summer evenings by following these tips!

Do you have any tips? 

*This is a sponsored post
*Images from Pinterest 


  1. We're thinking of planting some fruits in the backyard :D looks like summer has finally arrived!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  2. I'm still trying to master actually keeping the plants alive ha

  3. My mom loves gardening but isn't the best at it lol I'm gonna pass these tips along to her :)

  4. I don't do an awful lot of gardening... My Mum does odd bits in our garden but it could be nicer.


  5. Gardening is one of my favourite things, but hayfever really makes me struggle.

    Faye Jessica |

  6. Our garden is massive, so it takes a lot of work, but it's always so lovely!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  7. OMG I barely manage to cut my grass but I need to be more green fingered x

  8. I love working on my garden in the warmer summer months!

    Danielle xx

  9. I don't have a garden, it SUCKS!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  10. I love a pretty garden! Great tips.

  11. I am doing al my garden at the mo so these are great tips x

  12. I'm such a bad gardener. We have fake grass in our back garden so I don't have to do a thing!

  13. Some great tips. Loved it!
    I'm in love with the pictures. How pretty!

  14. I love my garden at this time of year

  15. One day I will have a garden so that I can do all of this x

  16. I’ve recently made a start with all of the overgrown weeds that come from nowhere.

  17. I wish it was summer here too! Luckily my garden has some really pretty winter flowers

  18. Personally love planting flowers all over the place in my garden x

  19. ooh I can't wait to have a fabulous garden one day!

  20. Ooh I can't wait to move out and have the cutest little garden ever!xo

    Char |

  21. This is such a lovely post!

    Ayse x

  22. I've always wanted a bench swing - this pic makes me want one even more!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf


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