*6 Unconventional Gifts For A Loved One

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Gifts are a huge part of special celebrations, but it gets harder to pick out something special as you and your partner get older. You can only use the “cheat gifts” like chocolates and stuffed teddy bears so many times before it becomes a yearly routine. Thinking outside the box might be the best way to show your love in a different, less cheesy way.

A Personalised Mug or Glass
Mugs might seem like a gift you’d give at Christmas, but they can be a good way to keep a personalised message near your partner at all times. It can remind them of your love while they’re pushing through a difficult workday and might cheer them up if they’re at home with a cold. A wine glass might also be a good idea, since it gives you an excuse to share a bottle and enjoy the night in your partner’s company.

Practical Furniture
A holiday of love is a great excuse to get a new loveseat or bed, and it’s one of those gifts that doesn’t get in the way the next morning. Something fancy like a Chesterfield sofa can fit right in with the festive theme but still stay practical in the long term, and you can take the opportunity to replace something that’s worn out or damaged.

Some people have busy schedules, and it can leave their partner feeling ignored or irrelevant. Breaking your schedule for a day or two and spending time with them instead can be a gift itself, especially if you make sure to arrange something fun to do together.

Something from their childhood
Most people in long-term relationships know their partner well enough to pick out certain things from their early life, and giving them something that brings back memories of their childhood can be a reminder that you care about who they are as a person. This works even better if it’s something rare they used to own and seem upset as losing or selling, such as a classic action figure, vinyl record or signed poster of their favourite artist.

Homemade food and treats 
It can be tempting to buy fancy chocolates and book a meal at a high-class restaurant, but the best food comes from the heart. Give your partner something personal to eat: this is especially good if they have certain allergies or preferences, since you can give them a romantic meal without needing to research menus or book seats early.

An upgrade to something they use 
If there are any free services your partner uses, whether it’s an exercise app or an account for their favourite game, consider upgrading it to a paid version overnight so it’s ready for them once the special day is over. It’s best to know what the upgraded version will offer, so do some research beforehand and find out how you can improve their hobby without needing to even leave the house.

What do you think of these gift ideas? 

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  1. Great ideas. Personalised mugs are something I buy people a lot.


  2. I love buying mugs for people, I think they're such a nice gift and even better if you can personalise them xx

    Tiffany x www.foodandotherloves.co.uk

  3. A personalised mug is such a cute idea, I love that!

    Anika | anikamay.co.uk

  4. Making time for the people you love is definitely an important one!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  5. I love them all, there is something so special about a gift that has really been thought about - it's lovely!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  6. I love anything personalised x

  7. I love gifting personalised items, it's such a nice touch x


  8. Some really great ideas here.
    Something from their childhood is a great one.

  9. I love personalised gifts. They're just that extra bit special.

  10. I always like to give homemade cakes as a gift x

  11. Any of these would be so great.

  12. These are great ideas, especially for guys!


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