*10 Steps That Can Transform Your Career In 2019

Image from Make It Yours
You spend a long time working so it’s always going to be important for you do a job that you love. However, not everybody does and it can be a huge shame. Because you’re working for at least forty years of your life - sometimes even fifty or more. So don’t you want to make sure that you love the work that you do? It doesn’t matter what that work is, per se, it’s just important that you’re happy, fulfilled, and that your career adds to your life. Job satisfaction has to be important but sometimes, you don’t just want to be satisfied, you want to love what you do. What happens when that’s not the case?

If you’re ambitious, then it’s generally going to be important for you to find a career that you can excel in. Maybe you already know what that is, yet you’ve fund yourself on a completely different path? For one reason or another, it happens pr maybe you are starting out and you have lofty goals but you just don’t know yet how you’re going to climb that ladder? Either way, whether you want to grow, make changes or get back on track, you need to act and fast. So to help you transform your career, here are ten steps you should look to take within the next twelve months.

1. Setting Goals 
First of all, you need goals. You need to put career goals in place that are going to guide you on this journey. When you set goals, you’re getting serious about what you want to achieve. Your goals can then allow you to work out what steps you need to be taking in order to get to the next level, and eventually, your dream role.

2. Creating A Career Plan 
Next, you’ll want to think about putting a plan in place. One of the best ways to keep yourself on track and accountable, is for you to plan out exactly what kind of roles you need to move through to reach your goals and what actions are going to allow you to do that. Just working it out alone can transform your mindset and motivate you to take the first step.

3. Networking 
If you’re looking to open doors, then you need to start networking. Sure, meeting new people and putting yourself out there can seem scary but that only lasts for the first step. Because as soon as you start connecting with people and communicating more, you’ll realise just how powerful and influential networking really is.

4. Branding Yourself 
Something that can really help you with your career advancement is to think of yourself as a brand. Because when you create a personal brand for yourself, you can position yourself in a certain way. For this, you could get branding created for your website or design your office in the same way if you are self-employed. Or just look to polish up your LinkedIn page and personal website if you’re climbing the corporate ladder. 

5. Blogging 
Whether you’re going it alone or working for a company, starting a blog can really boost your career. It’s another way to position yourself in a particular way. You can showcase your skills, put your thoughts out into the world, and you may even get opportunities this way too. So start today and you’ll never know where you might end up.

6. Reading 
If you really want to start transforming your mind and your approach to work, then you should read. Reading non-fiction growth, personal development, and business books can really broaden your mind. Sometimes you’ll get ideas, and sometimes you’ll get the confidence or skills or motivation you need to make moves. Watching videos and listening to podcasts can also help you here. Essentially, you’re looking to really transform your career with your mind and intentions.

7. Learning 
You might then want to take this idea to the next level because you could get more formal education, such as doing a msc-business-management-online, to boost your career. If you know that you’re not skilled enough, or that you lack the qualifications to be promoted, then this might be what you want to remedy. It could even be that you choose to take online courses in your spare time, so that you’re working and learning in tandem.

8. Volunteering 
Another great idea is to volunteer. Working for free so that you can learn more, connect with people, or pick up new skills can be so valuable. Not only that, volunteering your time to a cause can also transform you, your mindset, and really boost your career too.

9. Listening 
To really make sure that your career gets the kind of boost you want, commit to listening more. Observe others and take in what those senior to you are doing. Become a sponge and absorb everything you can. Surround yourself with people who are more experienced than you so that you can learn from them. Even get a mentor, just make sure that you’re using this as a way to better yourself and grow in your career.

10. Making Your Intentions Known
Finally, if you do really want to start making waves, then it’s also a great idea for you to make your intentions known. If you work at a company, then speak to your boss or HR. Let them know that you’re keen to grow and progress in the company. If you’re self-employed then think about telling someone so that they can hold you accountable, like your mentor so that they can guide you. Going after those opportunities is one way to really start to make things happen for your career.

Do you have any career or work tips? 

*This is a collaborative post


  1. Definitely. Volunteering without a doubt helped me, I also really recommend swatting up, creating a plan and sticking to it!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  2. Such great tips, thank you for sharing lovely!

    Danielle xx

  3. omg i loved this post thank you so much for sharing <3


  4. Great post - I'm all for setting goals and intentions!


  5. Great tips! I have no idea what I want to do career wise, still! but setting goals is a massive one no matter what your aim is xx

    TIffany x www.foodandotherloves.co.uk

  6. Setting goals is the biggest one for me, it’s like a bigger version of my to do list x

  7. I think setting goals is so important it's really motivating! x


  8. Some great tips in here, thanks for this post.


  9. these are all really motivating points!

  10. These sound like brilliant tips!

  11. Some great tips here for everyone to benefit from x

  12. Networking is so good. I wish I was better at it.

  13. Really great tips lovely, getting goals and plans is so important. 💜

    With love, Alisha Valerie x | www.alishavalerie.com


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