*Why you should consider taking time out to travel alone

Image from Gal Meets Glam
Travelling is something that I love for many reasons and I’ve been lucky enough to experience some of the most exciting countries in the world, though I’ve still got lots on my list that I’m determined to get to experience! Travelling with friends and family is always an enjoyable adventure, but there’s something pretty special about having the confidence to take a trip with only the company of yourself.

Whether you’re testing the waters with a weekend away close to home or going all out and jumping on a plane halfway across the world, there are a fantastic range of benefits for travelling alone that can empower you in so many ways, as soon as you’ve done it once you’ll want to do it again and again and again!

Get out of your comfort zone
For many of us, going about our day to day business on our own is second nature, but travelling away with only our own company to enjoy is a completely different kettle of fish. Being away from the all too comfortable bubble that we call home can push you to the edges of your comfort zone and will challenge you in a whole range of ways. It’s good to do something that makes you feel a little nervous every once in a while and chances are you’ll feel revitalised and new sense of self afterwards.

You get to choose your own destination 
With no one else to have to please, travelling on your own means being able to choose your own destinations and plans without compromise. Not only this, you also have the option to select your dedicated routes, accommodation plans and culinary treats without having to share!

It's good for your wellbeing 
Enjoying your own company isn’t always easy at first and it can take time and work to truly reap the benefits of me time. Yet once you’ve mastered the art, you’re likely to see an improvement in your wellbeing. Travelling is good for the heart and the soul, the excitement of a new found location and the relaxation associated with taking time out can reduce stress and calm the body and mind.

Where to start?
If you’re considering taking a solo trip but don’t know where to begin, it’s advisable to start small. The last thing you want to happen is to fork out on long-haul flights and accommodation only to realise shortly after arriving that travelling alone isn’t for you (not that I’d expect this to happen, but you never know!). Start by taking a short break close to home, select somewhere that you can relax and unwind or somewhere that offers the option to explore a new town or city depending on your preference. By starting with a short and close to home break, you’re able to begin to indulge in the world of solo travel risk-free.

If you’re in the North West like myself, the Lake District is a great place to start, being synonymous with relaxation and beautiful scenery yet only an hour away from home. If you’re an Instagram-lover, there are a whole host of super chic and insta-ready one bedroom Lake District cottages available to help you relax. With everything from freestanding baths to open fires, it sounds like a dream to me! 

Once you’ve got your bearings with travelling alone, it’s time to start thinking about that first solo trip abroad. Europe is a continent that is certainly generally safe for solo female travellers and a great place to start, with many of the Scandinavian countries coming out top on the popularity front. Iceland would make for a fantastic first abroad solo adventure, not only is the northern country covered in beautiful scenery and landmarks, the locals are known for their friendly and welcoming nature and there are a huge array of organised trips that you could book onto – you may even make a friend or two along the way!

If the colder weather isn’t to your liking, why not head off on a solo cruise? If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I have been lucky enough to be on many a cruise and they really are just a fantastic experience. I know many people who have enjoyed cruising alone, the community atmosphere makes meeting new people easy and the abundance of activities and excursions means you’ll never be short on entertainment!

Would you consider solo travelling? Have you visited the Lake District? 



  1. These are great reasons for anyone wanting to travel alone! I'm seriously thinking about finding somewhere to go next year but just trying to figure out where to go! Heaven knows I need to get out of my comfort zone!

    Daisy xoxo | TheDeeWhoLived

  2. I've really been making the effort to do this more recently, it's so important to recharge xx

  3. I am a total introvert I'm not sure if I could survive travelling alone.



  4. I always wish I had done this. I came close but held back. Agree with all of your points.

  5. I definitely love my own company, some days a little too much. I’ve travelled solo to Croatia a few times for work reasons and enjoyed it but I’ve never gone further or holidayed alone x

  6. I desperately want to travel alone x


  7. Solo travelling sounds great for some people but I don't think it would be for me. I do enjoy my own company but my dream is to travel the world with my boyfriend, I couldn't imagine experiencing new and exciting places without him! Luckily for me, we both have similar bucket lists of places to tick off together. We went to the Lake District last year and it was beautiful! x

    Toni / http://www.tonijoanne.co.uk

  8. I'm not sure whether I'd enjoy travelling alone or not. Part of me thinks it would be fun to experience but then another knows I'd love to share everything with someone xx

    Tiffany x www.foodandotherloves.co.uk

  9. I really like travelling alone, it's really nice to have the options of making plans for just yourself x


  10. My boyfriend went to Southeast Asia alone for a few weeks last year and loved it! You just have to be open to meeting people over there, I think

    Jasmine xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

  11. That is one of the best things about travelling alone is getting outside your comfort zone!

    Love, Amie ❤

    The Curvaceous Vegan

  12. I wish I could get out more and travel more!

    Erin || MakeErinOver


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