*Using Duct Tape to Decorate Your Home

Image from Pinterest
If you’re looking for easy craft projects that you can use to decorate your home, you’ll definitely need some patterned tape. Many people are turning to crafts as a way to express their creativity and making your own home dĂ©cor will be a truly rewarding pastime that will allow you to inject your personality throughout your home. You’re probably wondering how tape can be transferred into an element of your interior design? Below are some ideas…

Wall decals make a great addition to any home interior, especially in a bedroom. For example, if you have a daughter that’s keen on unicorns, you can use a unicorn template to draw the shape on the back of your tape. Cut out the shapes and stick them to the walls in your daughter’s bedroom; she’s sure to love it and the decals will look great with the rest of the unicorn dĂ©cor she probably has dotted around. What’s more, it’s unlikely that the adhesive will damage the paint work should you wish to peel it off in the future.

You don’t just have to stick duck tape to your walls; it can also be stuck to vases, photo frames and jars, to name but a few. The tape is strong, resilient and super sticky, so it can be used for anything you put your mind to and will last for years to come. It’s just a fantastic way to add a splash of colour to any room and will probably help you save a bit of cash. Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration when it comes to things like decorating your home. If you need some more ideas, you might want to set up a Pinterest account where you’ll find plenty of little creations that you can replicate with your own spin.

Do you have any ideas or upcycling tips using duck tape or washi tape? 



  1. I would never have thought of doing this! Great post! xx


  2. I'm not very creative but I love using Pinterest for inspiration for things like this xx

    Tiffany x www.foodandotherloves.co.uk

  3. I have washi tape which I’ve used to make some storage boxes look a little less dull x

  4. Ohhh I love this idea. So fun!


  5. I don’t use washi tape for anything but you can get so many pretty designs x

  6. Love the patterns on these tapes! X

  7. A great idea! I have some fancy tapes for blog props and I also use them to mark my makeup brushes (so they don't get stolen or accidently 'borrowed' on shows!) x

  8. These takes are super beautiful designs. I'm sending you all of my love đź’ś

    With love, Alisha Valerie x | www.alishavalerie.com

  9. Oooh, loving the idea of using washi tape in the home! It would definitely improve my boring flat! Haha! I tend to use the tape in my bullet journal! xD

  10. I love Washi tape so much! Use it all the time :)

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  11. I don't really use washi tape but I can imagine it would really brighten things up!


  12. I adore washi tape, I use it all the time!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  13. I've never used washi tape but it's such an easy and affordable way to make things a bit prettier X


  14. I'm SO uncreative but this is a great idea!
    Em x

  15. I used to use cute washi tape to decorate photo frames and old jars to store bits and bobs in.

  16. That's a really good idea and one even I can manage ha.

  17. I didn't know they did patterned versions like this!


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