Mirafit Dumbbell Set

Last year I reached my two stone weight loss goal which was amazing and something I never thought I'd reach! I was able to maintain my weight loss for a long time but 2019 hasn't been the best year in terms of my weight or exercise routine, the latter has been thrown out of the window. However, I do want to start my exercise routine again so naturally I panic bought a treadmill a few months ago (which I'm used a handful of times) and I was recently sent a dumbbell set from Mirafit to hopefully encourage me to start exercising again (fingers crossed).

*Mirafit Dumbbell Set (£22.95)
The dumbbell set contains 10kg in weights with the weights ranging from 500g, 1kg, 1.5kg and finally 2kg, all of which are a different colour. I think the mini set is a fantastic way to start using weights which is ideal for me as I've never used any kind of weights while I exercise but I would like to start. The set is also perfect for at home use, especially if you only have a small area to exercise in as the set is compact and due to it's carry case, it is easy to move around as well as store discreetly away while you aren't using it.
We are currently in the process of slowly transforming our previously rarely used conservatory into a mini at home gym as I already have my treadmill and crosstrainer in there so the mini dumbbell set is an ideal addition, particularly for a beginner like me. As I've said, I have never used weights so it has been a little odd getting used to them and incorporating them into my exercise routine but they're great for targeting specific areas of the body. The main concern of mine is my triceps which is where I've been focusing my efforts over the past couple of weeks that I've been using the Mirafit dumbbell set.

The weights have a soft, grippy coating so they're easy to grip, they are comfortable(ish) to use and I think it's a great starter set. I have been using the 1kg and 1.5kg weights the most recently while searching Pinterest for specific exercises aimed at toning the triceps. I haven't noticed many differences so far, although I don't think I would just yet but I'm happy using the weights and I love how convenient they are. Overall, I'm very happy with the set and I'll definitely continue to use them!

Mirafit has a wide range of exercise equipment to choose from including weight benches, punch bags, cardio equipment, yoga mats, vibration plates, accessories, clothing and much more so definitely check out their site if you're looking for exercise tools, accessories or equipment.

Do you use any exercise equipment?



  1. This is a really great price for the set! I think triceps are a concern for most women xx


  2. These do look soft to grip on to, unlike the ones I once had which were rock hard and made my fingers ache x


  3. I've been thinking about getting some weights recently!


  4. These do look like much softer weights to grip. The purple ones I used to have were rock hard and used to really hurt my hands after a while x

  5. These look brilliant, I like that they're easier to grip xx

    Tiffany x www.foodandotherloves.co.uk

  6. This looks like a great starter set!

  7. this looks like a great way to start

  8. These look so good! Perfect for hanging my clothes on (because lets face it I wouldn't actually use them lol)

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  9. These are a great way to be get weights introduces into your routine - good luck!
    Em x

  10. I've been looking for something like this and this set looks perfect x

  11. This looks like a great at home set x

  12. This set looks great, especially for beginners x


  13. I have some dumbbells at home but I prefer to go to the gym.

  14. My sister would love this! I’m gonna let her know for definite! So good value too! X

  15. These look like something I could do with at home! x

  16. They look fab. Great for at home work outs



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