*Create A Space Of Your Own in Your Backyard

Image from Priceless Magazines
She-sheds have been a trend for a while now, so it's safe to assume it's here to stay for good. Which is excellent, as more and more women stake claim to their garden sheds to create a little safe haven of their own - a place to curl up with a book or a place to practice their long-forgotten painting skills or use it for its original purpose - gardening. If you are yet to transfer your shed, here are a couple of helpful tips and design tricks.

You can be as 'extra' as you like 
This is your space! So browse Pinterest and get some ideas on what your shed should look or feel like. Define it's purpose first, though. You might still want it to be practical so before you start online shopping for sofa beds and unicorn sculptures, consider your space, what you're going to use it for and what are the absolute must items/features you need to make space for.

If you're looking to do some painting in your she-shed, consider how much space your easel will take and how and where you're going to store all your canvases. Or if you want your she-shed to be a plant recovery space for your garden, consider how many gardening tools you have and reserve appropriate wall space for installing a pegboard or wall hooks. Once all the sensibilities are out of the way - it's time to add glitter to everything. Or if you're not a fan of glitter, make it your own in whatever aesthetic you prefer!

Make it unique
Go on a hunt for the perfect pieces for your she-shed. Venture out to flea markets, antique shops and charity shops for some specials finds. Consider, what would make it unique to you? Maybe your vision involves crystal chandeliers or perhaps an artificial grass accent wall? Or maybe you have a more monochrome minimalistic aesthetic in mind with bright white walls and contrasting black industrial looking metal pipe floating shelves? Whatever it may be, this is your time to be a little selfish and make it for yourself, and however, you like it - make it the reflection of you!

Consider what 'tech' you'll need 
If you're looking to make this your entertainment pad, consider what electrics you might need. Maybe a TV or a mini-fridge? These appliances will need the energy to run on so consider if you can instal power sockets or are you getting extension cords pulled in from your home?

Do you have a backyard, if so would you create a she-shed? What do you think of this idea?

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  1. I would absolutely love my own garden and in my head I’ve planned how it would look so many times x

  2. This is a good way to utilise space x

  3. I so wish I had a garden! I miss being able to be outside at home!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  4. I really never go in my garden which is a shame really. I should make better use of it. I love the sound of a she shed though x


  5. I love having a big garden and being able to spend time outside!

    Danielle xx

  6. Such a great way to make some space.
    I’d love to be more into this.

  7. My garden is a mess right now. I can't wait till spring.

  8. We already have two sheds but I'd love my own which I could turn into an office space.


  9. I love the garden so much, it's so nice in the summer to just relax!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  10. I wish I had my own home with a garden, we currently live in a flat and every summer I get so jealous! xx

    Tiffany x www.foodandotherloves.co.uk

  11. This is just a great idea x

  12. We have such a small garden - I'd love to do more with it x

  13. I didn't know this was a thing, but it sounds great! I would love to use it as a bright space to take photos!

  14. We're going to be doing our new garden up soon so I loved these tips. 💜

    With love, Alisha Valerie x | www.alishavalerie.com


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