*Winter Wardrobe Essentials for Women

Image from Crew Clothing 

Summer almost seems like a distant memory; the temperature has dropped, the evenings are getting darker sooner and you’re de-icing your car most mornings. It is important that your wardrobe is prepared for the colder weather, so I thought I would put together a small list of items that every woman should have throughout the colder months. Here are 5 items that I cannot go without during winter, and you shouldn’t either:

A Bobble Hat
While not everyone has a head that suits hats, bobble hats are pretty easy to rock. Not only do they look adorable once on, but they are also extremely practical when it comes to keeping your ears and head warm.I recently spotted this bobble hat over on Crew Clothing that is on sale, I couldn’t wait to add it to my Christmas list.

Winter Boots
Whether you opt for a pair of knee-high boots to keep your calves warm, or you choose a short pair of Chelsea Boots, every girl should own at least one pair of boots to get them to the end of winter. Boots pretty much go with any sort of outfit too - whether you want to turn up to work in a skirt, tights and small boots, or you’d prefer to match them with a pair of jeans for a long day of Christmas shopping.

Turtle Neck Jumpers
Turtle neck jumpers are great for keeping your neck warm, and they’re usually pretty thick too, saving the top-half of your body from the cold. They are perfect for wearing under gilets or jackets, as well as on their own. While black and white are the most versatile, coloured turtle necks are always great for brightening up a winter wardrobe, which often tends to be quite monochrome.

A Fur-Hooded Coat
It goes without saying that a coat should be an essential for any winter wardrobe. It is near impossible that you can go the whole of winter without a drop of rain or snow, so it might be time to invest in a good coat with a hood that will protect you from both of these. Furry hoods don’t just look great, but they also decrease the amount of heat that gets lost, therefore keeping your face warmer while it is up. Practical and pretty – a perfect combo for winter!

A Thick Scarf
No winter is complete without a thick winter scarf to wear underneath your coats. These are a great investment for keeping your neck warm and are also fab for adding style to an outfit. Whether you get a plain scarf that will tone down any eccentric patterns, or whether you get a patterned scarf to jazz up an outfit, a scarf will always improve an outfit, while keeping you warm.You can even get a scarf to match your bobble hat! Check out this scarf on sale from Crew that matches the bobble hat linked above.

What are your winter essentials? What do you think of these items from Crew Clothing? 

*This is a sponsored post
*Image from Crew Clothing 


  1. I can't wear turtle neck jumpers, they make me feel sick. I love my EMU boots in the Winter though.


  2. Every single one of these are Winter essentials for me too! I love a good bobble hat in this weather xo

    Char | www.charslittleblog.co.uk

  3. I’m with you on all of these, though I never wear a hat, today I was jealous of someone with the most amazing beret x

  4. I'm a nightmare, I suck at dressing well in winter! I need to buy some cosy clothes!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  5. I love wintery layers - I pile them on! x

  6. I love bobble hats! So cosy plus they hide my roots.

  7. I need a new jacket and hope the sales can offer me one :-)

  8. I bought a new scarf today and I couldn't be happier!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  9. I totally agree with you on the boots and thick scarves! I am still searching for the right scarf to purchase. Thanks for sharing doll!

    xx, Des | https://www.itsbetterinheels.com/

  10. You can’t beat a cosy coat, hat and scarve set


  11. I'm all about the chunky knitwear and a coat with furry/ fluffy lining at this time of year x


  12. I love a bobble hat, I have one every winter x

  13. Definitely need to keep warm! Im all for big coats ans scarfs x

    Joyce | http://www.joycelauofficial.com/


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