*Why You Should Go Glamping

Image from The Londoner
Over the last few years, there has been an increase in those looking to stay a little closer to home when they are planning a holiday. You may have seen a lot of buzz around glamping, and this is because this type of holiday lets you explore some beautiful places right on your doorstep.

If you are unfamiliar with glamping, it is camping but with a luxurious twist meaning that you won’t be staying in a shoddy tent, but instead a yurt, eco-pod or even a treehouse. This also means that every time you decide to take a glamping holiday, you will get the opportunity to stay somewhere different. Even though glamping isn’t the first type of holiday that will spring to mind, there are some great reasons why you should look at embarking on one for your next trip away.

Beautiful Locations
When looking to book a holiday, we often head straight to the computer and look at staying somewhere exotic which is usually abroad. However, we often take for granted some stunning locations which can be found dotted throughout the UK.

The wonderful thing with glamping is that the majority of the abodes are situated in the countryside as well as being in a place you have considered going before. There really are some picturesque places throughout the UK which can be just as good as some of the exotic locations throughout the rest of the world. Therefore, by opting for a staycation holiday, you can explore amazing destinations and locations which are right on your doorstep.

Camping can be frustrating as you there is usually so much that you need to pack. However, when opting for a glamping holiday, you won’t need to think about bringing things like a tent or sleeping bag, as the abode you are staying in will have everything you need for a comfortable stay.

Your whole glamping experience will be incredibly relaxing, as most of the time you will be amongst nature, hearing and seeing its sights and sounds. Taking some time away from the business of your everyday lives can do wonders for your mind and mental health and hopefully, make you forget any worries you may have.

Surrounded by Nature
If you live in a busy town or city, you often get so caught up in your normal routine that you forget to enjoy the little things and what is around you. Glamping gives you the opportunity to get a little bit closer to nature, and as said above, this can actually do wonders for your health.

By stepping out of your usual comfort zone, you will be able to immerse yourself in some natural wonders including magnificent coastal scenery, seemingly endless views and waterfalls that become part of your treasured memories from a Wales glamping holiday.

This is one of the most persuasive reasons to choose a glamping holiday, as technology is very intertwined in our lives, and we can often forget what it is like not to have our mobile phone attached to our hand or a laptop by our side. Glamping is a great way to reconnect with nature and get away from modern life for a few days, as being outdoors will give you a sense of freedom which you won’t necessarily find on other holidays!

A Unique Experience 
One of the best aspects of opting for a glamping holiday is that it is a completely unique experience. This is mainly due to some of the incredible abodes you will have the chance to stay in. From yurts, cabins, shepherd’s huts, eco-pods and even treehouses, you will be spoilt for choice. Additionally, due to the uniqueness of the experience, it won’t be easily forgotten. Just imagine yourself waking up on a crisp morning and being surrounded by enchanting woodland, waking up in a beautiful yurt and stepping out of the door to be met with endless views of the countryside or being high up in the treetops; sounds like bliss, right?

Have you had the chance to go glamping before? If so, what was your experience like? Let us know in the comments below!

*This is a sponsored post
*Image from Pinterest


  1. I love camping/glamping, it is nice just to get outside some times!

    Danielle xx

  2. I am not a massive camping fan however I think I'd link glamping a little bit more!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  3. Oh I’ve never been! It sounds like quite the experience!

  4. I hate camping but 'glamping' sounds like a concept I could get on board with!

  5. Not a chance I would ever sleep in a tent but glancing is something I’d definitely think about doing x

  6. I would love to go! I could never camp but glamping hell yeah! X

  7. I'd definitely be more inclined to go glamping than camping!


  8. As much as I would love to - I just don't think I could. I'd get no sleep and be miserable although my kids do love the idea of camping! x

  9. That’s actually what we’re doing this weekend in the Lakes.


  10. Glamping sounds like a concept I could definitely get on board with!

  11. I love a bit of Glamping! So much fun! :D

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  12. Glamping looks so much fun but sadly due to my health I could never go. đź’—

    With love, Alisha Valerie x

  13. I’m getting more and more into nature so I think this is something I would eventually try.

  14. This sounds like an amazing experience. I would love to go glamping.
    Clem xx

  15. I'm all for this rather than actually camping haha x

    Joyce | http://www.joycelauofficial.com/

  16. Glamping is awesome! And there are so many great places in South Africa to do it!

  17. I’m not a fan of tents but I love a bit of glamping xx

  18. I'm really interested in Glamping one day! I'd love to try it xo

    Char | www.charslittleblog.co.uk

  19. I'm definitely not a camper, but clamping I could give a go :)


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