*How To Choose The Right Wedding Ring

Image from Whimsical Wonderland Weddings via Pinterest
A wedding ring is one of the most symbolic and sentimental pieces of jewellery you are likely to ever own. This is a piece of jewellery you are going to potentially wear every day, so it needs to be something that you won’t get tired of looking at and suits your style.

Visiting a jeweller, such as Peter Jackson can help to steer you in the right direction, but with so many options and combinations available how do you start narrowing down your choice?

You can start refining your search for the perfect ring in a number of ways. One way to really focus your search is to decide on a material. Traditionally this can be a gold, white gold or silver band. However, in recent years other metals such as platinum, cobalt and tungsten have become more popular.

Each material has its own quirks and requirements for keeping the ring looking its best, however your initial choice is going to probably come down more to colour. For example, do you want something bright like a gold or silver ring? Or would you rather have something more understated like a brushed metal or darker tungsten band? Keep in mind that both rings don’t need to match, this means there’s a lot more opportunity to have something that is still symbolic of you being part of a union but still fits with your personality and style.

Wedding rings are often viewed as a straightforward piece of jewellery, and most wedding rings are intentionally simple looking. However, there’s a lot of variance in the shape a wedding ring can take. From the width and thickness of the band to whether or not there are raised elements and engravings which can change how a ring feels when you wear it.

You might have an idea of the sort of style you want but until you go and try rings on you might not realise that it doesn’t necessarily look or feel right and that you might be better suited to something else. This can help you to refine your options even further, or help introduce you to a potential style of ring you’d never thought of.

The Fit
You need to make sure a ring is comfortable as well as looking good. You should make sure your rings fit properly, and that the shape and style you think you’d like are comfortable to wear. Some metals, such as cobalt or tungsten can’t be resized, meaning if you can’t get one in your size and it has to be custom made it could put that ring out of your budget. This might unfortunately cut off some options, however many jewellers will be able to suggest alternatives which you might have overlooked.

A ring shouldn’t be overly tight and should sit comfortably on your finger. When you’re going to start shopping for wedding rings you need to go and get measured. This way you know whether your size is readily carried in store or needs to be ordered in. This should also give you an indication of how long it will take for your ring to be ready so it’s worth not leaving the ring shopping to the last minute.

The final way to narrow your choice of ring down is cost. Weddings can be incredibly expensive, with many couples creating detailed budgets to help curb their spending. Deciding on a budget for your wedding rings can help you narrow your search down. However, keep your overall budget in mind.

Perhaps you saved more on a photographer or venue than you expected, giving you some extra cash within your budget, this could give you some wiggle room within your budget to accommodate a ring slightly out of your initial price range.

Finding your perfect wedding rings can be a lot of fun, and is one of the more enjoyable parts of wedding planning. Thinking about what you want, and finding a ring that marries up to your personal style, can help make an already special piece of jewellery feel even more important and special.

How did you choose your wedding ring? What would your dream ring look like? 

*This is a sponsored post
*Image from Pinterest


  1. I don't wear rings at all, and I cant see myself starting to wear one - so I have no idea! :)

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  2. Oooh I don’t know nice and sparkly though of course ahah xx

  3. I'm not in a relationship so no weddings are on the horizon but tbh I would happily buy myself an engagement ring just because they're so pretty!

    Gemma Louise

  4. i think the most important thing is the fitting.
    great tips you have shared babe.

    Much Love,
    Jane | The Bandwagon Chic

  5. When I choose mine, I must have tried in well over 20 until I found one that was comfortable to wear, sounds weird but the last thing I wanted was something clashing against my engagement ring x

  6. I'' def come back to this post when my time comes to choose.

  7. I'm not sure if I'll ever get married but I love white gold.


  8. I really don't like wearing gold, so it's silver and white gold all the way for me.

    Faye Jessica | fayejessica.co.uk

  9. I need to start looking! Pinterest has been a great help!

  10. I found picking my wedding ring really easy, mine was made and I knew exactly what I wanted and a lot of the time if you get it made it works out cheaper!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  11. I already have my dream engagement ring picked out... here's hoping lolol

  12. I know I'd be so picky when it came down to engagement/wedding rings! xx

    Brooke | www.brookeclarke.com

  13. Our wedding bands are plain white gold, and I lovvvve them x

  14. I couldn't find one I liked so my gran offered me hers as it doesn't fit her anymore. She's been married to my grandad for over 50 years so that must mean it brings good luck.

  15. I totally agree. There’s so many beautiful ones out there.


  16. I'm not married, nor getting married soon, but I think white gold is a beautiful choice. I have tiny fingers though, so goodluck to my man! Haha.


  17. I needed to read this as we haven't even started looking at our wedding bands yet! x

  18. It must be hard to choose because there's so much choice these days x
    Beth Louise

  19. Engagement rings are stunning! I can imagine it's such a tough choice choosing one xo

    Char | www.charslittleblog.co.uk

  20. I wouldn't even know where to start. So much choice :)

    Sincerely, Sarah xx

  21. I have to admit I haven't thought about this too much


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