*How to Keep Your Home Cool This Summer

Image from La La Loving via Pinterest
With the UK having experienced a strangely long and brutal winter period, it’s refreshing to see that the sun has finally started shining, meaning summer is just around the corner. I for one can’t wait to lounge around in the park and enjoy some weekend BBQ’s with my friends. However, as much as I love the sun, keeping the home cool during the warm summer months can always prove tricky, especially in smaller homes or those built above ground.

I spoke with The Market Design and Build, who specialise in loft conversions in London to find out their three best tips and tricks to stop your home from becoming a greenhouse as the temperature begins to rise.

Once you hear the word insulation you’re likely to think “what? That’s for winter”. But actually, good insulation is a proven method used for keeping warmth out too, by deflecting heat and preventing the build-up of hot air. You can easily get an insulation board fitted by an expert if you own a property, or alternatively, can explain the benefits of doing so to your landlord, including lower fuel bills come winter time and increased property value.

Having a room with loads of natural light is wonderful, but during the summer, your exposed windows can quickly create a stuffy vibe by absorbing lots of heat into the room. To help prevent this from happening, it’s worth investing in a good set of blinds or curtains, particularly for South and West-facing windows, and keeping them closed while you’re out during the daytime. Moreover, the darker the shade, the less sunlight the blinds can absorb, so embrace your inner Goth and go for darker hues, provided they match well with the rest of your interiors.

Fans are by no means the cheapest or the most eco-friendly way to cool your home, but they are a godsend when the temperatures reach above 25 degrees. If you’ve got the cash for it, it’s a great idea to think about having a ceiling fan installed, as they help circulate the air throughout a whole room. If not, a cheap floor fan from Argos will do the job too - you can even try the age-old trick of placing a bowl of ice in front of it to speed up the cooling process. Trust me, it works a charm!

Do you have any other suggestions on how to cool your home? I’d love to hear them!

*This is a sponsored post
*Image from Pinterest 


  1. I can't wait for some warmer weather! These are some great tip to stay cool. Being heavily pregnant in the summer is definitely not fun!

  2. I hate summer and my house gets so hot. We always struggle to cool it down, regardless of how many fans we have on.


  3. I can't wait for the sun to come back! We are super lucky as our house always seems to stay super cool in the summer! xx

  4. My home gets so hot and stuffy in the summer months, I just have to throw all of the windows wide open and get as much air in as I can!

    Danielle xx

  5. Yes I agree I find my conservatory too warm in the summer! Defo opt for the living room in the shade x

  6. Love switching on my fan in the summer months when it starts getting yo hot! Personally for cooling down I love those Chinese hand fans use see in old movies! They look so elegant and give a nice breeze too x

  7. We need a new fan and I’ve been eyeing up the Dyson fan x

  8. I'm really lucky my flat stays the same temp most of the year, so I don't really need to worry too much about things like this :)

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  9. if the summer ever comes :P fans for me for sure and shade as well!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  10. I don't think I could live without fans in the summer! It gets so humid here that it's almost impossible to not have an AC running constantly lol great tips, especially shady rooms 😊

  11. A fan during the hot weather is literally a life saver - I swear by mine during the Summer months!xo

    Char | www.charslittleblog.co.uk

  12. Some great points here. Nothing worse than it getting overly stuffy.


  13. My house gets so hot in summer there's virtually nothing we can do. I was heavily pregnant in last summer's heat wave and it was awful!

  14. I'm in a ground floor apartment and we have metal shutters, which are great for keeping the place cool. It can go up to 35 degrees sometimes in Berlin!

  15. I hate fans cause of the noise but they are so needed in our house.

  16. So many great tips - I bought a fan for the first time last year and it was much needed!! Not sure about this year though haha :(
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  17. I'm lucky to live in quite a cool flat, so it's always a little breezy when it gets too warm! x


  18. I would love my home to be warm! We are entering winter here, bleh


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