*Small Office Changes That Bring in Big Worklife Improvements

Image from House Beautiful via Pinterest
No matter the type and size of the office, productivity is a major concern for every office, because it determines the growth and decay of the organisation. If you can get quality work done in minimum time, you are sure to achieve. However, this is not as easy as it seems. The industry estimate says that an average worker remains truly productive for 3 to 4 hours a day, this might even be lower for those who work in a home office with more distractions.

You may notice that employees are mechanically hovering over the keyboard and staring at the monitor with blank eyes when it is hardly three o’clock. This is not uncommon in an office, and it reduces the productivity. Most of the people think that such things arise when there is a lack of sleep, or having a heavy lunch. However, it could be due lack of work-life balance. Balancing the career and family has always been a challenge for the workers in the USA. Every worker has to manage the stress at the workplace with daily pressure of family, friends, and self. This is why the present offices are trying to make the workplace as relaxing as possible for the employees to attain a perfect work-life balance. Here are some tips on how making small changes can boost up productivity.

Come out of the assigned sitting arrangement - Change Your Environment
As most office work is now done electronically using internet, laptops, and tablets, it is high time that you change the conventional assigned sitting arrangement. This is an improvisation of the open office plan where one is needed to be glued to the same sit during the office hours. One can sit anywhere in the office and work, they also change place during the day. This breaks up the monotony and enhances productivity. Changing your seating throughout the day is also essential if you work in an at-home office as I know all too well!

Create overlap zones 
Studies show that unplanned interaction helps to enhance productivity. When people run into each other they tend to collaborate and this is great for improving the office efficiency. Design the office space and the pathways accordingly so that they run into each other frequently or for a freelance perspective, there are numerous shared workspace options to look into.

Create a quiet space 
Everyone may have a bad day sometimes. It is ideal to have a designated quiet zone where people can take a break from the daily chores and relax for a while. This should not be mistaken with a breakout area. Such places should be clear from all official material. Have light reading materials and comfortable sitting arrangement. There should be soft music so that people can calm their mind, music is a great tool for anyone who works in an office to break up monotony and to create a more pleasant environment.

Make the office pleasant with colorful walls 
Studies indicate that colors influence the mood of the people. Blue helps clear thinking, yellow boosts up creativity, red being a stimulating color improves productivity when used sparingly and green makes one calm and quiet. While orange tends to deliver a feeling and contentment, gray and white are the neutral colors. You should also choose the tone carefully as bright shades stimulate and the lighter tones are generally soothing. Install 3d wall panels in the office based on the activities and if that is not possible, you may include some colored accents for improvising the ambiance.

Use fragrances for increasing performance 
Fragrances engage senses and have a strong impact on human moods. Studies suggest that scent of pine makes people alert, cinnamon improves concentration and lavender makes one relaxed. So, you must pick up some good scents and spread those in the office in cycles for keeping the office or your home office environment refreshing.

Invest in illumination 
Light is vital for maintaining a productive office environment. If you have large glass windows, that are well and good, otherwise keep the windows open to let maximum natural light in. In case it is not possible to let natural lights in, then invest in lighting fixtures that mimic sunlight. Using indirect lighting is another option to increase productivity.

Ergonomics improve productivity 
Staying glued to the sit for long is a major cause of musculoskeletal disorders. Having ergonomic furniture helps to relieve such things. Better invest in adjustable furniture and make sure that the screens are in level with the eyes and the and perfectly aligned with the mouse and keyboard and improve efficiency. A standing desk is another great option!

Include greens in the office 
Humans have psychological bonds with the greens and several studies indicate that when people are near to nature they have better cognitive function and mood and it also helps them to be relaxed and productive. Decorating the office exterior and interiors with green elements elevates the ambiance and also influence people to give their best. Including live plants in office is no doubt great, but it has many associated pitfalls. Since they are living, they demand constant care and attention to keep them healthy but faux greeneries have no such hassles. These are now made absolutely lifelike and as such, offer a beautiful green landscape.

These are now made from high-quality silk foliage. Other than being a mirror image of their live cousins, these have many other advantages. Since these are infused with UV blocking substances, these never fade or discolour and can withstand varying weather conditions. The faux green needs no light and, therefore, can be placed in the dimly lit office interiors and coming in standard bases these are easily installable. Containing special fire-retardant chemicals, the faux plants have self-extinguishing properties and render safe decorating option.

Do you have any office decor tips, either for your work or at home office? Do you have any productivity tips for those who work in an office or home office? 


  1. This was such a great post, I love all of these tips!

  2. There’s nothing better than moving around to up your work ethic! Xx

  3. I've been planning my office space for so long, I can't wait to move into a bigger house & implant it.

  4. I think that a quiet space is absolutely essential!

    Danielle xx

  5. I definitely feel more productive when working in my home office than on the sofa. I love having my own space to get things done x

  6. My office is being renovated at the minute and I can’t wait to get back into work mode x

  7. I work at home and my office is a huge desk but I love to fill it with it inspirational quotes and pictures of my children to keep me smiling while sitting up at a desk for hours. These are some great tips.

  8. I don't have an office or an office space unfortunately. I think these tips could be incorporated into other spaces though. Thanks for sharing!

  9. I don't have an office or an office space unfortunately. I think these tips could be incorporated into other spaces though. Thanks for sharing!

  10. I really love all of your tips babe, I always think that the less things I have in an office the more I do more working. Thank you for sharing, I think this blog post is going to help out a lot of other people 🌸✨

    With love, Alisha Valerie x | www.alishavalerie.com

  11. I work from home but I don't have my own office. If and when I get my own place, that would be a hug priority for me and I'd certainly make it a calming space.


  12. These tips are really useful! I struggle working from home to find a good time/place to really concentrate, so I'll be taking on board some of these tips! x

  13. I am currently overhauling my office so thanks for the tips x

  14. Love this post! I need to re-do my office/work space to make it more inviting!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  15. I suck at being productive so I shouldn't give advice, but I need to come up with more ways of redoing my space to help - thanks lovely! :)

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  16. I suffer with lack of productivity at work.
    Some days are so bad.


  17. Anything at all to stay productive is my mantra this year x

  18. I'd love to have a home office!

  19. Love your tips, I love adding fragrance and some greenery!

  20. Colour and greenery in an office makes such a difference!xo

    Char | www.charslittleblog.co.uk

  21. Love these tips! I have to say if my work space ain't clean I simply get nothing done x

  22. I love switching up my working space, particularly at home. I usually work at the dining room table but if I'm having a more relaxed day then I tend to work from the sofa haha xx


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