Mini Book Reviews #7

I have been on a little bit of a roll over the past couple of months with my reading after a slump over the summer! I've been lucky enough to receive quite a few ARC/review copies over the past few weeks from lovely publishers *thank you*. Today's post is a review of three books I was kindly sent recently.

*The Devil's Claw by Lara Dearman (368 pages - 30th November) ★★★
This month I've read quite a lot of thrillers and horror books and this one was next on my list. I was kindly sent the ARC along with some chocolates - is there anything better than books and chocolate? The answer is no. I love a good thriller but I haven't read many until November and I'm loving them as they're so entertaining, mysterious and quick to read.

We follow Jenny, a journalist who has moved back to the island of Guernsey after some kind of traumatic event in London as she tries to find and uncover a front page story that takes a sinister and personal turn. I don't want to say any more about the plot than that as it is a thriller so I don't want to give anything away and it's always best to go into books like this without knowing a lot about the plot.

I liked the writing style as well as the short chapters which allows me read it very quickly - I think I finished it in about two days as I was able to read it at lightning speed. It was an entertaining and interesting story, I liked the characters and the mystery but the best part was the mentions of the occult, history and folktales of the island and the setting of Guernsey which I adored. Overall it fell a teeny bit flat for me but it was definitely entertaining and I'd still recommend it - especially if you are a fan of the TV show Shetland as there are similarities and a comparable atmosphere.
*Before This Is Over by Amanda Hickie (456 pages - available now) ★★★
How gorgeous is this cover! I have to be honest and admit that book covers definitely drawn me in, sometimes more than the blurb or reviews...I don't know how to categorise this book other than a contemporary with psychological and apocalyptic elements as well as being more of a character focused story. It wasn't exactly what I'd hoped for overall but it was entertaining and compelling on the whole.

We follow an Australian family and their average street of nosy neighbours from the beginnings of a new disease epidemic. It isn't a new concept but I think the way it was focused on the family in such detail is and it made me feel quite constricted and claustrophobic as they quarantine themselves from the new and deadly Manba virus that is spreading across the globe.

I like the writing style, the family felt very familiar and vivid, it was heartbreaking at times and it was a very quick read for me even though it is not far off 500 pages. I liked the overall story as it was entertaining and I wanted to find out how everything would end for the family and their neighbours. However, I found it a little slow at times and the mum, Hannah, was so neurotic and frustrating as a character. I think it will definitely appeal to a lot of people and I would recommend it; however it just wasn't as action packed, tension filled or as completely compelling as I hoped it would be but that's just my opinion - I think it would make a heart wrenching movie!
*The Book Of Forgotten Authors by Christopher Fowler (384 pages - available now) ★★★
The final book in this post is a non-fiction book, I really need to read more non-fiction and I think that this year I have *maybe* but I'm making it a goal of 2018 to read a little more non-fiction as well as longer books and classics. This one seemed a little unusual as it looks at 99 authors who for some reason or another have become forgotten over time.

I adore the cover, the premise is so intriguing and as there are only a couple of pages per author it's quite an accessible book and definitely isn't as intimidating or as dry as it might seem. It was actually quite entertaining and I had to keep putting the book down to google an author or one of their books.

I adored the first half but the format became very repetitive over time which lowered my star rating for the book but it is a great read especially for those who love books - it would probably make a great Christmas book for book lovers!

Have you read any of these three books? What are you currently reading? 


  1. The Devil’s Claw sounds right up my street. I’m guilty of buying books based on a nice cover too :)

  2. I think I might like The Devil’s Claw! X

  3. I haven't read any of these. I've just started rereading His Dark Materials.

  4. The book of forgotten authors seems interesting. I like short stories x

  5. These all sound like great books - especially the devil's claw! x

  6. Oooh The Devils Claw sounds pretty good to me x

  7. I like the sound of before it is over.

  8. I really like the sound of before this is over.

  9. Book covers totally draw me in too! I love the look of that second book but I must admit I’m really into my thrillers lately so you had me intrigued with the first one! x

  10. I am so excited to be done with College and be able to read again, I miss books! Your posts make me want to read more!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

  11. I am so guilty of buying more books when I already have a stash to read but the Devils Claw sounds quite interesting and I really like the cover...I know dont judge a book etc but its cover is so unusual really brings me in! Great reviews - x

    Lavinya Royes - Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  12. How do you get through so many books it's mad haha, I'd like to read Before This Is Over! The storyline sounds very unique.
    Alice Xx

  13. Before this is over sounds amazing! Xx

  14. I'm so guilty of buying books with pretty covers! It totally draws you in though!!! Haha!
    Chantelle x
    The Girl In The Tartan Scarf

  15. Before this is over has really caught my attention

  16. The Devil's Claw is right up my street!

  17. Oh I am so envious of how many books you can get through! I really hope to read more and I'm glad a little group of us at work have started a book club!

    Cindy |

  18. I need to start broadening the genres of books I read - I'm quite interested in murder mystery programmes (Broadchurch, NCIS, CSI, etc.), so maybe this would be a great place to start xo

    Char |

  19. I've just been reading The Muse, is really good x

  20. I like the sound of 'The Devils' claw' x

  21. I haven't even heard of these books before but they look great, I'm currently reading a Christmas themed book xx


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