Give Your Bedroom A Minimalist Makeover

Image from Westelm
For a long time now, it seems that everywhere you look, there’s a distinct shift towards slowing down and living a more minimalist lifestyle. People are choosing to cut down on their possessions, clearing out their wardrobes in favour of a smaller selection of clothing and choosing a ‘less is more’ outlook when decorating their homes. If you often find yourself pining over photos of beautiful all white interiors, but don’t know if you’re ready to fully commit to the minimalist way of life, then this guide with easy tips on how to add a clean aesthetic to your bedroom is for you.

Create a blank canvas 
If you’re looking to simplify your bedroom, then the colour of your walls is a good place to start. A great way to add the illusion of space to a room is by painting walls in soft neutral shades such as white or grey. Think of this as creating a blank space for your room, giving you the option to decorate with smaller details and accessories. If you can’t live without some brighter pops of colour however, consider creating a feature wall in your favourite shade, or with a stylish patterned wallpaper.

Add some greenery 
Bringing plants into the home is one of the best ways to add some minimal magic to your bedroom, and with the added benefit of improving the air quality, there’s really no reason not to. An arrangement of small plants in beautiful ceramic pots can spruce up your bedside table, or if you’re feeling extra green, decorate an area of the room with botanicals in a range of shapes and sizes.

Keep a bit of glamour 
If you’re desperate to try out a minimalist way of life but can’t let go of your love of all things glam, think about adding a luxurious element to your bedroom with some crystal ceiling lights. These lights come in lots of styles with some understated designs that would look great paired with some simple aesthetics.
Image from Westelm
Have a serious de-clutter 
The idea behind the minimalism phenomenon is ultimately living with less, which is why the number one rule in creating a minimalist bedroom is to get rid of any unnecessary clutter. Get rid of any bits and bobs that have no purpose in your bedroom, or invest in some stylish storage options (no garish patterns of course!) to keep your space tidy.

Let in some light 
Another key element of the clean interiors look is rooms that are filled with lots of natural light. In cities like Copenhagen, it’s the norm to have large windows in every room without curtains or blinds, and if there’s anything the scandinavian’s have shown us, it’s that they know how to do minimalism. Try this out in your own home and see what a difference it can make to your bedroom, or if you want a bit more privacy, find some sheer curtains to let the daylight through and maintain the soft illusion of the room.

Will you be following these tips? Do you have any tips when it comes to spring cleaning, organising and living a minimalist lifestyle?

*This is a sponsored Post
*Images from Westelm


  1. My room is in serious need of a declutter! Love these tips x

  2. I need to introduce some greenery into my house. I love the linen in the photos. It makes the house look so fresh and modern.

  3. A minimalist bedroom is definitely my favourite, I quite like having some greys mixed in too. Greenery is something we definitely need to have when we have a little bigger place.

    Kristy |

  4. Fantastic tips - minimalistic is best and looks clutter free x

  5. I need a serious declutter in my room it's horrific right now x

  6. love this post, I have just recenty re done my bedroom and went for a minimalist look!

    kasie x

  7. We are in the process of organising to get our room done, it's such hard work but these are great tips xxxx

  8. I definitely agree with all of your points, I am all for minimal and lots of light!

    Cass | CassandraMyee

  9. I would love to do this but my bedroom appears to be the dumping ground for the rest of my family lol, great post though x

  10. I love the minimalist look, but I also love stuff aha! I am in serious need of a good clear out soon x

    Abi | abistreetx

  11. Love these tips! I'm in student accommodation at the moment and I have a bright green wall which is gross! I'm so used to having my nice minimal room at home so it's a bit strange. Definitely going to be taking these tips into account when I move in September xx

    |Georgia Megan|

  12. This is such great inspiration! My bedroom is painted white and I love it :)

  13. I am loving these images, so inspirational x

  14. Great tips! My room is definitely over -cluttered at the mo so I need a big sort out! x

  15. This is very much my style! I love clean and simple with touches of glamour!

    Georgia x

  16. I really need to de-clutter asap x

  17. Wow...I love the makeover of this bedroom!. We are planning to change the makeover of our bedroom and your article have nice information and I got some good ideas. Thanks for sharing this.


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