Personalised Christmas Gifts

Personalised Christmas Gifts
Personalised gifts are some of the nicest to give and also to receive at this time of the year! I have quite an old fashioned name so I've never really had that many personalised gifts growing up but the few that I did, I loved *especially the alice band with my name in glitter on it, if you're a 90's kid too, did you have one of those?*.

I was very kindly sent a few lovely gifts from the wonderful people at I Just Love It. They have so many gorgeous and unique gifts for all ages that can be personalised with the recipients name or a message. I couldn't be happier with them and I know the recipients are going to be over the moon with them.

*Personalised Dream Big Little One Hanging Cloud (£13.99) 
How absolutely adorable is this little children's bedroom sign! I love the cloud design, stars and the ribbon, it would make a lovely and thoughtful gift to keep for years to come. I've added my friends baby's name to it as he loves stars and to be honest, I just loved it as a pinterest worthy gift! It's a wooden sign and would be great hung up as a part of a wall art collage or on a bookshelf with baby photos.

*Personalised Rolling Pin (£10.99)
Even though the Bake Off has ended *cries*, I'm still obsessed and I know pretty much all of my family and friends love the show and love to bake. Any baking gift would be perfect for so many people in my life but my auntie Danel (pronounced, day-nel, unusual I know) would love this personalised rolling pin; she bakes multiple times a week and everything is always gorgeous (especially the coffee and walnut cake and soda bread) so I know she'll get so much use out of this and it will be a nice surprise gift!
Personalised Christmas Gifts
We all have that one person (well I have a couple) that are so frustrating to buy for and my grandad is that person for me; I never have any idea what to get him other than biscuits! My dad is also awful to buy for as I always just get him aftershave and socks...but in comes I Just Love It to the rescue!

*Personalised Hardback Decades Book (£24.99)
My dad and my grandad would love this gift, not only as it's personalised and really pricey looking but they both love history. This A4 hardback book contains re-prints of Daily Mirror newspaper headlines from the decade that you choose - I chose the 1940's as that's the decade my grandad grew up in. It's such an interesting and unique gift and I know my grandad will love it. I've been flicking through it and some of the headlines and the adverts in the newspapers at the time are so unusual and interesting! I think the quality, personalisation and uniqueness of the gift is amazing for the price.

Overall, I'm beyond happy with the gifts from I Just Love it and I cannot wait to give the lovely gifts to their deserving recipients over the christmas season as I know they'll love them. The quality of the items is amazing and they're so unique. I've featured more personalised gifts on my blog so if you want other recommendations then check out my previous gift guides.

What do you think of these gifts? Will you be buying any personalised gifts this year? 


  1. Personalised gifts are definitely more thoughtful! These look great.
    Beauty Candy Loves

  2. I love personalised gifts, I think they're so thoughtful! I think the decades book is my favourite gift in this post, so nostalgic :) xx


  3. Aw these are such lovely ideas! The rolling pin is the best! I might get that!!
    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin' // Instagram

  4. I love personalised gifts, thanks for sharing this, it's definitely given me some ideas.

    Georgia | The Weekend Attic

  5. Personalised gifts are the best! Rolling pin would be great for someone who loves baking and that hardback decades book is a really great idea! I'm sure your grandfather will be so happy to have it! x

    Ela BellaWorld

  6. Personalized gifts are a great way to make gifting a little more special.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  7. I love personalized gifts. They just feel so much more special. I love the personalized quote cloud. The quote is beautiful & I think this would be perfect for my little sister!
    xx Lisa | Following Lisa


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