Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal
Image from Pulse Light Clinic
Laser hair removal is a process I have been interested in for years, I have tried two at home devices. The couple devices that I've tried have been relatively effective although I think and in-salon or in-clinic treatment would be far more effective. Pulse light clinic, as well as other procedures and treatments, offer laser hair removal treatments which are suitable for men and women aged over 18. They have clinics in London and have over 15 years of expertise in skincare. They claim fast and excellent laser hair removal results and to be honest if I lived in London I would definitely go in for a free consultation!

Laser hair removal is a permanent way of removing unwanted hair and works by targeting the hair follicle with a laser which damages and in turn destroys the hair follicle which stops it from producing further hairs. The at home devices I've tried haven't been painful, I just a very slight warming  feeling so I don't think the in-clinic treatment will be much different. As with at home devices it's not a instant thing, you have to wait for the hair cycle to progress over the next few weeks and you will gradually see results. It sounds like a miracle, not having to shave and I really want to go through laser hair removal one day. There are fantastic reviews on the website from customers and it's really important to make sure you go with the right clinic/company and if you’re interested book a consultation to make sure it's right for you. The video below shows the process on various clients with various skin tones. This is a sponsored post.

Have you tried laser hair removal, either using an at-home device or as an in-clinic treatment? Would you want to? 

*collaborative post
please always do your own research before considering any kind of treatment anywhere or lifestyle change 


  1. ive never tried but it sounds so effective! would save me shaving every other day
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  2. I've thought about before because I really don't like shaving!! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

  3. I have used laser hair removal in a clinic. It was for my underarms and it was one of the best investments I ever did. I would definitely recommend it.

    Vanessa x |

  4. Your blog is just perfect. so cute and adorable ^^

    || Fashion GIVEAWAY: give it a try!

  5. I tried laser removal before and I liked it, however, it was quite painful! I did it probably three or four times and I saw a huge difference on my legs and arms!!



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