Nails Inc Paint Can Polishes

Nails Inc has been one of my favourite brands for years, I always received Nails Inc sets fro my aunties. Dorchester Square and Baker Street are my two all time favourite shades and I can't recommend them enough. I was very excited when an email and parcel arrived from the lovely people at Nails Inc, I received two of their Paint Can polishes, a gorgeous makeup bag and a base/top coat.

When the Nails Inc Paint Can polishes were released I was very intrigued, there was a PR opportunity to meet Alexa Chung at a launch event in the Trafford Centre which I couldn't get to so I'm glad I now have a couple of polishes to test out. I have the *Nails Inc Pain Can Spray Polish in Good As Gold (£10, 36g) which is a limited edition shade created by Lottie Tomlinson.

I didn't know how well these spray can nail polishes would turn out as it's such a new and interesting concept; I imagined it would be quite messy and a bit gimmicky but I was wrong! To use, you first apply the base/top coat and then shake the can well and spray in short bursts onto each nail. I find that shaking the can in-between each nail application helps to get the most even coat. It is a little messy but no where near as messy as I thought it would be. The spray is relatively easy to control, it coats the nails well for the most part although sometimes it can be quite patchy and it dries very quickly!
You are supposed to be able to remove the excess polish from the skin using warm soapy water but I didn't find that it worked well to remove most of the excess; instead I use a cotton bud with nail polish remove to get rid of the excess polish from my skin - in the end I used masking tape to cover most of my skin so there would be a lot less to clean up.

Once the polish is dry and I've cleaned up the excess, it does look very neat but a little patchy especially for my first use so I applied the top coat which is amazing! The top coat adds a glossy finish and it really helps to correct the patchiness so even though it's said to be an optional step, I'd say that it is essential for a neat, even finish. The As Good As Gold shade is very pretty but I haven't been able to get a completely opaque finish, I think it's meant to be used in conjunction with another polish.
I also received the *Nails Inc Paint Can Polish in Mayfair Market (£10, 36g) which is such an incredibly gorgeous copper/rose gold shade - it matches my rose gold record player perfectly! The shade is darker in real life than it's is in the photo above. The application was a bit easier than the first shade as I've been able to practise a little and you do need to practice to be able to get a even finish. I love this shade, it's perfect for autumn and I've had it on my nails for the past few days and I do have tip wear but no chips yet. 

Overall, I'm actually really impressed with both of the spray can polishes, especially the Mayfair Market shade. They are much quicker and easier to use than I thought they would be, the topcoat is fantastic and with a bit of practice I was able to get an even, neat and gorgeous manicure. The only downside is the clean up but with masking tape, it isn't as time consuming or messy. Overall rating: ★★★★☆, 4/5. 

Here's a little video demo of the polishes!

Have you tried the Nails Inc spray can polishes? 

I've just found out that I'm in the top ten best beauty blogs in Manchester, that was a lovely surprise! 


  1. I have to try this! it looks simple enough for someone as bad at doing nails as me :D
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

    1. It's really simple to use - I am not best when it comes to nails but this was easy! x

  2. Wow loving the concept of these polishes! I've never come across a spray can one before ha,ha! It looks fun and the rose gold colour is stunning for Autumn x

    Jenny | Krystel Couture

  3. This sounds great! I never know such a product even existed!

    Gemma x

    1. The spray can polishes have been out for a while I think and I've always been meaning to try them x

  4. oooh, I love the shades of the spray nail polishes. I have been hearing very hit and miss reviews about them but I think it has more to do with who uses them.
    Angie | Chocolate & Lipstick | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  5. I was very intrigued by these nail polishes when they first were released but didn't get around to trying them. It's a shame though that the cleaning process is not as easy as it meant to be as that would be really revolutionary! x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner


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