Book Review: This Savage Song

Book Review: This Savage Song
I've heard nothing but amazing things about Victoria Schwab's books from bloggers and youtubers so when *This Savage Song (£7.99, paperback) arrived from the super lovely people at Titan Books, I was so excited to give it a go and it didn't disappoint. Although now I want to read everything she has written, sorry bank balance! 

The book follows rule breaker and badass, Kate Harker, who is the daughter of the powerful and ruthless Callum Harker, the ruler of North City and August Flynn, a shy and complicated teen with a powerful and unnatural secret who is the son of Harry Flynn, the ruler of South City. Cities are falling apart, fighting for survival is a daily struggle and a tenuous truce is about to crumble, oh and monsters are real. Yeah. 

As I've never read anything by Victoria Schwab so I didn't know if I would get on with her writing style but it was apparent from the first few pages that I loved her writing and the story. Her writing style is so incredibly easy to read, follow and I finished the book in just over a day; it wasn't an over complex storyline and her writing just flows so easily as you read. 

The story is action packed, fast paced and engaging. I loved most of the characters, especially August and I loved the monsters too! I did like Kate, although I found her a bit annoying at times. The world and the characters felt familiar to me even though I haven't really read anything like this and the types of monsters was a unique point about the book. I though the abilities the monsters have was such an interesting point and different to anything I've read before. I cannot wait for the second book as the ending did leave questions unanswered and I want a certain two characters to get together (even though I have no idea how that would work). 

I don't know if this is going to make sense but I thought the book would be potentially complex, such as The Bone Season, but it isn't; the world, the characters and the storyline is like a breathe of fresh air! There is a refreshing clarity to her writing that not only makes you want to read on but it pulls you into the story and the struggles of the characters with such ease and simplicity, you feel like you've been in the world before and you want to know more. Overall rating: ★★★★★, 5/5. 

Have you read This Savage Song or anything else by V.E Schwab? What are you currently reading?


  1. ive not read it but it sounds fun. Sounds like a good book to pick up and relax and lose myself during the weekend :D
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  2. Okay so this sounds like a total cracker of a book! Onto my read list it goes...

    Katie xx ¦ La Coco Noire

  3. This sounds like a light, fun read, will add this book into my list.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  4. I haven't read a book like this for awhile, so I'm very intrigued! I actually haven't heard of this book before, but I looked it up after reading this post and I see that so many people are raving about it :D On Goodreads someone asked if there was any romance in the book, and the reply was no, so that only makes me even more excited to read it! I've added it to my TBR & thanks for the rec :D -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

    1. Everyone seems to be raving about this book! There's an air of romance but nothing happens :( x

  5. I've not heard of this author before but it sounds like a really good read, I'll look out for it! :)

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

  6. And yet another book to add to my need to read list. You need to stop adding books there! haha
    Angie | Chocolate & Lipstick | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog


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