Stampin' Up Watercolor Wishes Card Making Kit

Growing up I always loved making things, baking things and generally being creative but throughout college and university, studying took over and my only creative outlet was my blog. However, one of my new years resolutions was to be more creative or at least explore other ways of expressing creativity so I've started to get back into my watercolours and baking; and when this set arrived from Stampin' Up, I was excited to give it a go!

I have the *Stampin' Up Watercolor Wishes Card Making Kit (£31.50) which is perfect for this time of year as easter is just around the corner and giving a handmade card would be such a thoughtful gesture! The kit makes the process so easy as it includes: 20 cards in various sizes, sequins, die-cut accents in various patterns/shapes, washi tape, wooden accents, acrylic stamp block, ink (red/pink and navy), photopolymer stamp set and stickers! It all comes in a cute box so it would make a great easter gift!
The set comes with so many components so you can be as creative, as minimal or as generous as you want with the stickers, sequins, wooden accents or card accents of flowers, patterns and leaves. The stamp set is unique as you get the stamp block which you then add the stamp design you want to - it is a interchangeable stamp block. It's so easy to use and you also receive the ink too. I've already made a happy birthday card and a spring/easter card with just a few of the products from the kit.
The watercolour and stripe designs are so cute and take out most of the work out of it as they are pre-printed onto the cards and you can then add whatever accents/details you want. I love the birthday card, especially because of the pink watercolour design but also because of the gorgeous stamp font. The cards are SO quick and easy to make. The kit comes with small foam stickers that can be used to stick on the accents to the cards and give them a raised/3D effect.

Overall, I'm really happy with this kit - it is so cute and it is a quick, easy and fun way of being creative and making something for someone else at the same time. I love the stamp kit as it's unique and the fonts used are so gorgeous. Although I think the kit is a little on the pricey side, I think it's worth it for the amount of product you receive. I think it would make a great easter gift, I know my mum, aunties and friends would love this kit! Overall rating: ★★★★★, 5/5.

Have you tried anything from Stampin' Up? What do you think of card making kits - would you use one? 


  1. I love these! so cute and unique :D
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

  2. Aw these are so cute! And strikes me as really good value for money actually with the price of cards these days. There's nothing better than a hand made card much more thoughtful.

    Katie. xx

  3. This kit is adorable. I love making my own cards but haven't made any in such a long time. I'm a total sucker for cute washi tape and pastel shades so this set looks perfect for me.

    Roxie | The Beautiful Bluebird

  4. I have never been very creative despite writing, but it looks lovely.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  5. this is so cute! i love making my own cards but they aren't anywhere as good as this haha

    xo Sarah

  6. These are so pretty! It's been ages since I've made my own cards.

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

  7. What a clever little kit! My kids would love this, with adult supervision of course! ;)

    Angie | Chocolate & Lipstick | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  8. I wish to own a kit so adorable myself. In love and itching to do some DIYs now! :) x

    Jadirah Sarmad at Jasmine Catches Butterflies ʚϊɞ

  9. I love the sound of this stamp kit <3 I love watercolours too & the font you've used looks beautiful! <3 :D

    Serene | I Am Serene L

    1. It's a lovely set - the stamp kit is great! x

  10. This is such a lovely kit! I used to obsessively make cards for people when I was younger, it was such a nice and therapeutic hobby, I kind of want to get back into it!

    The Makeup Directory

    1. Me too - I used to make them all the time! x


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