Initial Impressions: Instant Whites

Teeth whitening is something I've been a little obsessed with over the past year or two as I do drink coffee once a day and since doing so I have noticed that my teeth are definitely not as white as they were. I have tried four at home teeth whitening kits now and I am still on the hunt for one that doesn't produce any sensitivity at all but in the mean time this one is definitely the quickest, easiest and most comfortable kit I've tried.

I was kindly sent the *Instant Whites 7 Day Whitening System (£29.99) which is a safe, peroxide free teeth whitening system that claims to have zero sensitivity; also you are supposed to be able to see visible results in less than five minutes which is a very impressive and bold claim. Unlike the other teeth whitening products I've tried, it is not a strip or a mouth guard - just seven neat swabs with the gel inside.

Myself and my sister tried one each as an initial test and to be honest I am always a little sceptical about teeth whitening products as well as a little cautious so naturally I volunteered my sister to try it first - she is a very good guinea pig. To use, push the top part with the swab down into the neatly contains gel in the bottom half of the swab and some of the gel will appear on the swab which you then lightly rub into each tooth. This system has to be the easiest, quickest and fuss free at home teeth whitening product I've tried!

My sister saw results within about four minutes or so of applying the gel to each tooth and we were both definitely impressed with the results *although it wasn't a dramatic change*. I did notice a change on my teeth but it wasn't as noticeable.

Overall, my initial impressions of this teeth whitening system are surprising and very positive. I love how incredibly easy and quick the process is, unlike most other teeth whitening kits which are usually messy, time consuming and uncomfortable. I also love that as they are individual swabs, all of your teeth aren't affected at once, you can apply more to some areas and less to others which is great for me as some of my teeth are naturally whiter than others. We were both happy with the initial positive results and even though I did experience a small amount of sensitivity (my sister didn't at all), I'm looking forward to using them fully and to see the results. I will have a comparison post between the at home teeth whitening kits I've tried on my blog next month so stay tuned! Overall rating: ★★★★☆, 4/5 although my sister would definitely rate the kit 5/5.

Have you tried this kit or any at home teeth whitening kits? Have you had your teeth whitened professionally? 


  1. I have been wanting to try something like this for ages but I have not been able to find it here in Hong Kong

    Nashia | MakeupandBeautyMayhem

  2. I need these in my life!! I seriously need to try some teeth whitening all coffee and wine stains my teeth

    Candice | Beauty Candy Loves

  3. Would love to see some results :)
    Wanna try some of these whitening stripes too!!

    xoxo, Colli

    1. I'll have a full comparison post next month x

  4. Oooh, I've never tried anything to whiten my teeth, this is definitely intriguing. xx


  5. Great post.

  6. Wow, I am impressed to hear there was a change, even if it wasn't dramatic!

    Angie | Chocolate & Lipstick | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  7. Great stuff! It is a new product in the UK and I have already seen some positive reviews on Boots website. Will you post some pictures as well?

  8. Did you do the comparison in the end? I did a search but couldn't find it...

    1. Not yet, I've had loads of other posts I've had to publish but hopefully next month it will be live!


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