De-Clutter January

Image from Google
De-cluttering, tidying and organising are in all honesty some of my favourite things to do every few months and especially at the start of a new season or new year as it makes space for christmas presents or new buys, it keeps everything looking tidier and neater and it keeps my mind clearer and less cluttered too, if that makes sense. I find that if I have too many things on my desk then I can never concentrate, having my desk neat and tidy means that I can carry on with what I need to do. Here are some of my de-cluttering tips:

1. Don't hold onto things if you haven't used them in a year: I am not very sentimental about most things but oddly when it clothes, bags and shoes, I cannot seem to get rid of them very easily. So every two or three months, I go through my wardrobe and I get rid of at least a few items to sell or to donate and it keeps my wardrobe less cluttered and it means that I have space for new clothes.

2. Buy a file box: I recently sorted through uni, student finance, banking and blog paperwork and shredded lots of it that I didn't need and the rest I put into a file box (I bought this one from Amazon) and I'm really happy with it. It stores all of my papers in a neat and tidy way that doesn't look or feel too bulky. I'd definitely recommend a file box!

3. Get rid of old or worn out items: This point is similar to the first one although I include bathroom and beauty products. As a blogger I am very kindly sent products on a regular basis so the items I don't want or don't have room for go to family and friends. However I always end up with half used products piling up so I have to throw them away as they just take up room and they will quickly be replaced by newer products.

4. Give products/items to friends, family or sell them: eBay, blog sales and Amazon trade in are great for selling your unwanted products - especially blog sales as then you don't have to pay eBay seller fees! I'm awful at holding onto items for 'just in case' reasons and it's usually best to just give them away to friends or family or sell them.

5. Make the most of your storage and use dividers: I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to storage and organising - gotta love organising. So I have lots of boxes and dividers for items - H&M have great storage boxes/tin/plates as does Ikea and Muji. Instead of having items laid out, I put them together in a box as I do with DVDs, makeup and items to review/photograph. Also during the winter I keep my summer clothing in storage boxes on top of my wardrobe so they don't clutter up my wardrobe then every season I change it around and end up discovering new items that I forgot I had!

6. Don't tackle everything at once: It can be a little overwhelming if you have a lot to sort through, organise and then potentially to photograph and sell so try dealing with one area at a time such as the bathroom cupboards, papers or your wardrobe.

Check out this quiz by Wardrobe storage system provider Bedroom Storage Maker to see what your wardrobe says about you! This is a sponsored post.

What are your organising and de-clutering tips? Are you, like me, having a new year de-clutter?



  1. I have so many tried makeup that I don't love, but who wants to buy use makeup?

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

    1. I'd only sell used makeup if it's just been swatched x

  2. Great post - I think the most important thing is definitely to do it bit by bit, else it can be a little bit overwhelming!

    Jodie @ Jodetopia x

    1. Definitely - that's what I've been doing recently x

  3. I'm definitely going to have a declutter. My room is such a mess and full of everything. Thanks for the tips. xx


    1. Mine was but I'm going from section to section sorting it out :) x

  4. I've been really good at decluttering this January - especially my makeup collection xx

    Gemma | ❤️

  5. Great tips! I love a good de-clutter. especially at the beginning of a new year or season. It really makes a huge difference to ow you feel, I think!

    Alice / Alice Grace Beauty


  6. I definitely need to stop trying to tackle everything at once, I'm definitely a bit overwhelmed by how much I know I need to get rid of! I quite want to do the whole capsule wardrobe thing :) xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

    1. I was the same but it definitely helps to tackle one small area at a time xx

  7. I should stop holding on to stuff I won't ever use, I am sure it will open so much space. I always give away the makeup products that I don't use (sometimes I just buy stuff because they look pretty...). I should really organise my paperwork, I am a big mess. xx

    1. I'm always holding onto products and clothes I never wear so it is good to have a clear out every couple of months :) xx

  8. I love a good clear-out, it's so satisfying! I do find myself getting weirdly sentimental over clothes as well, though...

    Jess xo | The Indigo Hours

  9. I constantly declutter the house and my own personal items, usually once a month. Sometimes it just needed for mental clarity!

    Angie | Chocolate & Lipstick | Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

  10. This is such a good idea and January is the perfect time to de-clutter since you still have all of that new year energy!
    xoxo Annie


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