My Halloween TV + Film Picks

My Halloween TV + Film Picks
Images from Google

Up until three years ago I was never really interested in Halloween - we had halloween discos at primary school and during high school we always watched something halloween related but it wasn't until  I started my blog just over three years ago that I started to get Halloween fever every year. 

I started with Halloween nail art and now I love craving a pumpkin with my sister every year and watching 'scary' or Halloween themed films and TV shows as well as nostalgic TV/films such as The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episodes and The Nightmare Before Christmas while I ignore trick or treaters. We actually don't get that many Halloween trick or treaters even though we live in an area were there are a lot of families as trick or treating isn't an English thing. 

For the past couple of years I have created a Halloween makeup series on my blog and this year has been no different! I love creating Halloween looks as it allows me to use products and shades that I wouldn't normally and it means I can be really creative! Here are the looks I created last year: Poison Ivy, Corpse Bride, a Lichtenstein inspired look, a doll look and the Cheshire Cat.

When autumn rolls around (and before then because I just love these types of films/TV all year round) I always want to watch anything slightly scary or literally anything from Tim Burton because he is my favourite director! My favourite Halloween/slightly scary/autumnal films recently include: The Nightmare Before Christmas, Hocus Pocus and Beetlejuice as well as Sleepy Hollow because, you know...young Johnny Depp...

My favourite TV shows for this time of the year are definitely a bit darker than I would usually have watched a few years ago such as Penny Dreadful which is definitely NOT for the faint hearted, The Strain, Sleepy Hollow (it's a pretty good TV show, even if it is a little cheesy at times) and Copper which isn't a halloween or scary TV show but it is all about crime, violence and the rouges of  New York in the late 1800's. 

If you have any Halloween TV shows or film recommendations let me know! Also if you have any Tim Burton like recommends leave a comment or tweet me! 

What are your favourite Halloween films/TV shows?


  1. i am going to watch nightmare before christmas today
    Happy weekend

  2. I'm literally watching Hocus Pocus right now, it will never get old. Lovely post.

    Olivia // BLONDE LA MODE

  3. Excellent taste in films. I love watching these types of movies they're so eccentric and quirky which is what I absolutely adore & love about them!

  4. While I have seen most of these movies, there are a few of them on here I haven't seen and must check out!
    Angie x | Chocolate & Lipstick || UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


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